Could it be?

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It was a normal night for you, sitting in front of the TV with some delicious takeout after a stressful day at work. Your living room was mostly dark, save for a lamp light and the light of the TV. So when your phone lit up and buzzed suddenly, it caught you off guard. You pick it up, expecting it to be a notification from social media or something like that, but it was a text. Surprisingly enough, it was from an unknown sender. You unlocked your phone to read it.

???: What is UP McButtfuck?

What the hell? It must be someone for that guy Joey again. Recently people had been texting you and/or calling you and asking for someone by the name of Joey. It annoyed you a little, but you were always kind to the people who texted/called you.

You: That's quite the name. Apologies, but I think you have the wrong number.

???: Well shit. This isn't Joey?

You: Nope, but this isn't the first time I've gotten texts for Joey. Maybe our numbers are really similar?

???: Well, when he gave me his number he was pretty slammed. He probably misspoke. Anyway, sorry about that!

You: It's alright! I genuinely don't mind strangers sending me things like "What is UP McButtFuck?" :)

???: I'm glad! Is it okay if I just keep texting you? I was going to text Joey because I'm bored, but you saw how that turned out.

This person seemed to be pretty nice, so you humored them.

You: Oh, sure! I'm not super interesting, especially not as interesting as this Joey guy must be if he has a nickname like 'McButtfuck'.

???: I'm sure you're plenty interesting. Shall we start with names?

You: I suppose. Mine is (Y/N). What's yours?

???: Dan. Or Danny. Whichever works.

Seeing the name immediately made you think of your favorite YouTubers, Dan and Arin from the Game Grumps. Although it was quite a stretch to think that the Dan you were talking to was the one and only Danny Sexbang, you decided to try your luck anyway.

You: Nice. Do you have any nicknames as outrageous as McButtfuck?

Dan: Well, I have a stage name that's pretty outrageous.

Your heart thundered in your chest. Stage name? Could this really actually be him?

You: Oh really? Let's hear it.

The reply didn't take long to arrive, but it felt like forever.

Dan: Danny Sexbang, believe it or not.

You nearly dropped your food in excitement. Unless this guy was just lying to make himself look good, this was the real Danny Sexbang that you were talking to! But with that knowledge came a problem. Should you admit that you're a fan, or should you just act like you've never heard of him? You quickly decide that it'd be better to tell the truth than to lie about it.

You: Oh wow, really? If that's true, I've actually heard of you and am a big fan.

Dan: It's true! I promise you that I'm not lying. In fact, I'll call you and prove it!

You panicked, this time setting your food aside so that you wouldn't spill it everywhere. You took a deep breath, and suddenly your phone was ringing. You gulped, psyched yourself up for a few seconds, and hit the answer button.


"Yep, it's me! Hi (Y/N)!" It was him, there was no doubt. He sounded exactly like your favorite Grump, even over the phone.

"Um, hi! Wow, it's super nice to get to meet you and talk to you!" You reply, flustered. You tried your best to keep your cool as much as you could.

"Same to you! I love meeting fans, especially ones that are as cool and casual as you seem to be. Not that I don't love fans with lots of excitement. It's just kind of a break to be able to talk normally, you know?" The way he spoke now was so casual that it might as well have been an episode of Game Grumps. Although you were screaming with joy on the inside, you definitely made the right choice by keeping it cool.

"Oh yeah, that's understandable. I'm glad that you actually like talking to me! I thought I was too boring, honestly." Much to your surprise, talking to him felt natural and easy, even though your heart was nearly beating out of your chest.

"Naaaaah, even from texting you, I can tell you're not boring."

You grinned to yourself, overjoyed from his comment. "Thank you! You're sure as hell not boring either!"

He chuckled, and it made your heart melt.

"I guess not."

You hear a faint voice in the background, but you can't make out what it says.

"Oh, sorry (Y/N), I gotta go for now. I was waiting for Arin to get here so we could record, but he's here now!"

Although you were disappointed that he couldn't talk for longer, you still couldn't help but grin, knowing that you had gotten a chance to talk to Dan Avidan.

"Oh, that's no problem! Have fun!"

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later! Bye!"


He hangs up, and finally you can squeal in excitement.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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