Prologue "The Incident"

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Everything is a haze, a blur. And although the noise could be confusing to everybody. Everybody but me. Why everyone but me? Because all I hear is nothing, silence. My eyes are focused on one thing only. A bloody mess, bones, guts and mucus everywhere the only thing that could be made out is a face. The fairest of them all. Her face. Oh, why didn't I go with her? None of this would have happened.

I shouldn't have acted prematurely, I was scared. It all, just, happened so fast.

It was a quiet evening and, luckily, my shift at the police station ended early so Elisa, my wife, was delighted to see me.

"Hey, honey. You're home early" her cheery voice always lightened my mood.

"Yeah, Pit let us leave early because, he had some personal business to attend to"

"Is he your chief or your supervisor? I always forget" she inquired

"My chief" I answered a bit too bluntly

"Hard day at work, huh."

"How'd you know?"

"Your bluntness says it all"

I mentally slapped myself for my absent-mindedness I need to watch out next time. Not all people are as forgiving as she is.

"Sorry, I just need some time to think and relax. As you said, I had a hard day"

"Sure thing. Oh, by the way, I'm going grocery shopping"

"OK. Don't buy the whole store this time, we need the money" I joked and, thankfully, she laughed. She doesn't really laugh or chuckle, even, after what happened to her parents. A shame, really, such great people had to die in such a terrible way, too. A car crash. They crashed straight to an electric cable that shocked the poor people to death, burned them to a crisp. Nothing left, but burned flesh and bones. Just before the picture was about to come to mind I was, thankfully, snapped out of my thoughts by a faint "bye"

"Bye, honey" I said before hearing the thud of the door closing.

Thirty minutes  later still no sign of her, I began to grow worried. Walking in circles would usually reduce the stress, but this time, it was different in an unexplainable way.

My brain was racing to extreme scenario. Thirty more minutes later, my phone rang indicating I got a phone call, now my brain was racing into much more extreme scenarios; I look at my phone and see an unknown number requesting a video call. That was never a good sign.

I accept the call. My eyes were never wider. What I saw was the sickest thing anyone could have ever imagined. My wife beat up, bleeding, naked, exposed and tied up.

The kidnapper threatened me to give him $10.000 or else she'd die. We didn't have that much money and would be impossible to get it in a few hours so I did the thing that seemed to make the most sense, at that moment. To pretend I have the money and bring the police with me.

Oh, how wrong I was.

As we made our way to the warehouse we heard muffled screaming, blood splattering, bones cracking and bones braking, but the worst of all. An evil, loud, almost inhuman laugh that could scare even the most fearless of people. We barged in, but it was too late. My once wife now in pieces. Little, tiny bloody pieces...

The only bright thing that came out of this was that the criminals were caught. As it turned out, this wasn't their first time doing such a twisted thing. There were reported five more of these and all with the same ending. A woman mid-thirties, beat-up, bloody and dead. But this was the most far they've ever gotten. I guess they really must have hated us.

And now here I am next to what used to be my wife, the source of my happiness. The sun in my constant rain. The yin to my yang. The day to my night. But now that day is dead and there is nothing I can do to reverse it.

"Detective! Detective! Look! I found a video camera. 'thought you might want to check it out" A thick British accent sounded from the other side of the room. Our new rookie Arthur.

I thought my eyes couldn't get wider than before, but I was proven wrong. It was a video of the "gang" raping, abusing, hitting and spitting on Elisa. The sight was too grotesque for me to even look at, let alone listen to it. I quickly threw the camera to the ground. Not caring if it broke or not. I power walked straight to my house. Once in I stumbled and fell on the couch, where I sobbed the night away.

An annoying ringing sound drags me out of my state of deep sleep I was in, though this time it was dark and dreamless. Hollow; like my soul. Before I could continue my train of thought, the sound rang again snapping me out of it. I quickly pick it up and with a voice groggy and husky I said


"Hey, Matt. Sorry for your loss..." There was silence for bit "I just wanted to tell you the funeral is going to be today at 5 p.m. That's all. Again... Sorry for your loss" He said with a sympathetic tone.

"Thank you, James, truly... Goodbye" I quickly hung up and took a quick glance at the clock that was opposite me "10:29. Shouldn't the kids be at school?" I asked myself. Then I remembered that it was Saturday.

I went upstairs to wake the kids up. As I was going up the stairs I was pondering how I was going to tell them. It won't be easy it's not like asking for sugar or anything. I'm not going to be like "Hey, you know, your mother got kidnapped, while she was out for groceries, raped and beaten to a pulp. Oh, and all that's left of her is a bloody mess and the only thing intact is her face" God, what am I doing making jokes out of my dead wife; Some husband I am.

I climbed the last step and I just stood outside their room for a minute to take a big breath. As soon as I thought I was ready, which I wasn't, I entered to wake them, but to my surprise there were already up. I stared at them and thought, again, how to tell them.

"Kids I have to tell you something...."

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