Chapter 29

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"Thanks, Jackson," I mumble as he lifts me up gently by my shoulder. He glares over at Katrina for a while,
"You should be lucky you never caused a bigger scene, coz, if you did," he steps closer and smirks at her,
"...well, let's say, Jason would like to have a word with you, for hurting his new girl," he whispers but it's enough for me to hear and mutter,
"What?..." I whisper,
"YOU WHAT?!!! HER??! THAT DISGUSTING WHORE?!! IM GONNA KILL YOU, YOU BI-" she screams and leaps towards me but Jackson wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her back, laughing.
"Come on tiger, put those painted claws back in, and walk on!...go on! GO!" He motions for her and her posse to leave.
She pulls her handbag up on her arm and takes one final glare at me,
"Watch your back!" She spits at me.
Brianna and Chanel, her sidekicks flick their hair and make the same face, both saying in unison,
"Yeah, watch your back!" Chanel winks at Harris, yup, true sluts. He gives a 'what-the-fuck?' Face.
They all soon walk off, their heels clattering, echoes through the halls.
I groan when I wipe the dust of my butt, great, I never even done anything to her, actually, maybe steal her boyfriend, but that's not my fault!!

"You ok?" Harris asks,
I just look up and nod,
"Mm, yeah, fine," I pick up my abused backpack and throw it over my shoulder and adjust the strap. Jackson walks over to me and smiles,
"Wouldn't want that barbie to harm you, Jason will be pissed if he find out that we didn't keep a clo-" I interrupt him,
"Um, why did Jason tell you to keep such a close watch on me, and what exactly did he say?" I say in a serious tone, crossing my hands when they look at each other and don't say a word.
"I'm waiting," I say,
Harris stutters,
"W-well, it's no secret, he had to, so we said yes, and we were shocked, but he explained, and we were like OH, and he was like Yeah, then I was like ok, then yo-" Jackson shut him up from, whatever he was going on about.
"Listen, come here," he pulled us to a quite corner where the halls were empty.
"Right, Jason told us everything, we obviously know your....pregnant Ella," he blurts out,
I look at my stomach, I'm not that big yet so it isn't obvious,
"No, we can't tell from your stomach," he laughs,
"Jason told us, because he's worried about you, so quite frankly, he had to explain it to us,"
I scratch the back of my head and sigh,
"Right....well, it didn't work because of Katrina, she seems like she's not gonna stop till I'm dead," I chuckle, feeling a little scared,
"She gets on my nerves, it pisses me off when Jason invites her around with us, she's a real bitch, I don't know what he sees in her?" Harris sighs, Jackson laughs and nods his head,
" think he still likes her?" I whisper,

Jackson sighs,
"I know Jason, he likes you for sure,"
He places his hand on my shoulder,
"Plus, he'd be crazy not to," his comment makes my cheeks turn pink,

"You should ask him yourself, I'm sure he will tell you, plus,"
"You deserve to know, ok?" He pats my head and I smile at his gentleness.

-Time skip-

Well, it was the end of the day, Jason had no lessons with me and I bottled out of asking him at lunchtime, I don't like making a scene. Plus Jackson said it'd be best to talk to him in our own private time. So I waited till the end, until we got home.

"Was she on her best behaviour?" Jason chuckled, as I opened the car door.
"No, no she was alright," Jackson smiled at me, I stood by the door.
TJ glanced my way and looked at me up and down,
"Yeah she was fine, if you know what I mean?" He winks at me,
"Yeah yeah, shut the fuck up TJ and keep walking, see you later then," Jason does his guy fist punch thing with them and gets into the other side of the car.
"Thanks," I say quietly,
"No problem," Jackson winks and closed the door for me,
I roll down the window but Jackson quickly whispers into my ear, while Jason talks to Casper from his window,
"Make sure you talk to him, about everything," his lips touch my cheek and I shake a little, feeling tingles travel around my body.
I turn my head and nod,
"You got it," I say back and he nods at me,
"Safe then Jay!" Jackson says to Jason and he nods.
I touch my ear and cheek where Jacksons lips touched, it was the softest touch but still made butterflies shoot up in my stomach. This was wrong!
I can't fall for Jackson! But am I?
He seemed so familiar, and no, not familiar like I saw him that night in the bar. Ugh that night! I shivered.
But his face looked like so-
"Did anything happen today then?" Jason interrupted my thoughts,
"Hm? Oh, no not really," I lied, but I knew I was going to tell him at home.
"Cool," he said not looking bothered as he focuses on driving.
Wait until later on Ella, just wait.

When we arrived home, Jason went to his room.
So I waited for him to come out, he did, he changed his clothes into a black hoodie and jeans.
"I'm gonna go meet up, the guys, so you alright on your own?" He asked while slipping on his sneakers.
"Yeah...I mean, No! Jason I need to ask you something!" I blurted out, making him look surprised. He stood up,
I leaned up against the couch,
"I need to talk to you, about, Katrina," his eyebrows creased, he stepped forward making my body cower back a little,
He sighed,
"Why? You jealous all of a sudden and? it's none of your business, whatever I do and my actions are up to me, so don't get involved in it!" He argued with me, I stood up straight with anger,
"Get involved?! You got ME involved when you decided to make me pregnant and when you used me as a fucking....BET!!!" I shouted,
He moved closer and his eyes darkened,
"Don't be such a naive....bitch Ella! You the one who fucks around with people, I wouldn't be surprised if you got banged by fifty guys before me, seeing as your the ideal slut!" Tears formed in my eyes,
"What's wrong with you?!!! I'm not a slut! Don't you dare say that shit to me! Katrina is the one who prances around like your personal whore and sex object , you sick bastard!! Why didn't you make her pregnant you-" my words get cut off by him, his hand comes in connection with my face, he slaps my cheek. I gasp and hold the burning spot, looking at him with watery eyes. Fearing him even more.
"Ella, listen-"
I move away,
"Get away from me," I whisper, not looking at him, stepping back,
"...Ella please,"
"JUST GO TO HER THEN!! YOU CLEARLY STILL LOVE HER!" I shout, and run to my room.
I cry my eyes out, hugging myself, curling up into a ball. I just hear the front door shut after a while. Making me cry even more,
"I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!" I mutter to myself.

Omg!! Jason slapped her? What a bitch, move!! Anyways I updated for you guys, it may not be as long, very sorry! Still love you all and haven't edited ok byeeeeee!!!!! Next chapter will be the 30th!!!!!


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