Next time she's mine

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"Come on Y/N! It won't hurt to just check him out!"

"I don't understand what's the point though. He's just a good-looking guy for God's sake!"

"NOT JUST a guy Y/N! He is THE good-looking guy!"

I roll my eyes at my best friend, Rose. We are currently heading to the city's best club. Seems like there's this guy every, and I mean it when I say this, EVERY girl is talking about these days. According to rumors, he's insanely handsome and the girls swoon just by one glance from him. He mingles with the ladies just fine, flirts and he uses a lot of skinship. But it's not on an extreme level, just on an innocent level which makes even taken girls waver. Of course the boys and boyfriends aren't really happy about that. Opposite to the ladies, guys don't like him at all. But the surprising thing is, he always leaves the club alone. He comes alone and leaves alone too early morning.

"Rose if I remember correctly you and I both have a boyfriend!"

"So what? I swore loyalty not blindness. It's not like I'm cheating on him with a little looking at the good-looking. Besides, YOU don't have a boyfriend."

"But I do?"

"Yeah and when did he call you last? 2 months ago?"

"One month" I mumble.

"Same thing. He doesn't call you and you didn't see each other for a month now so you are not together anymore as far as I can see it."

We arrive to the club, show our IDs to the staff who let us in. I look around and frown. I feel overdressed. I wear black shorts with a white strapless top and black boots. I let my long brown hair down and I have simple make up on. Compared to me the girls in here look like strippers with barely anything on them and heavy make up on their faces. No wonder that guy never left with anyone. Who wants to pick up sluts?

"Looks like he's not here yet" Says Rose and pulls me toward the bar to get a drink. We sit next to the counter and I order a light cocktail while my friend goes for a shot right away. I sigh because I know she will be wasted by the end of the night.
Suddenly I notice the change in the atmosphere. I look around and spot him. He slowly walks in and join six other guy. Maybe his friends?

"There he is" Sigh Rose "He looks flawless again."

I have to agree. He looks beautiful like an animation character. How does someone like him exist? It's nearly impossible yet there he is and I can't take my eyes off him. As if he feels someone's gaze he turns in my direction and our eyes meet. I gaze right into his eyes and get lost in his dark orbs. He looks a little surprised maybe because I shamelessly stare at him while other girls only have the courage to take glances.
Then he too shamelessly checks me out before raising one of his eyebrows and smirking. My eyes widen and that's when I finally look away with burning cheeks. Rose who saw our whole interaction laughs.

"Oh you have something for the 'just a good-looking guy'."

"I don't!"

"Really? Then too bad because he's coming this way."

"WHAT?!" I look back and he really is. I panick and turn to Rose again but she's nowhere to be found. She totally betrayed me.

"Hi" I hear a deep voice from beside me. It's him.

"Hi" I blush and look down for a moment before raising my head again.

"Taehyung" He stucks out his hand for me to shake and I take it. "Y/N"
I can't help but notice how big his hands are.

" Didn't see you before. Are you new here?" His voice sends shivers down my spine and I struggle to find the words to speak.
"No, I just usually don't like going to clubs."

"Then what changed your mind this time?"

I blush again. Rose dragged me here because of him but to be honest if I wasn't curious too I wouldn't have come no matter how much someone begs to me.
"My friend dragged me with her."

He looks around " And where is your friend?"

"I don't know where she disappeared to." I shrug "Maybe calling her boyfriend or something."

He leans on the counter with one elbow and tiltes his head head to the side.
"What about you?"

"Me? What about me?"

He giggles" Don't you have a boyfriend to keep you company?"

"Ahhh..." I am about to say he's probably at home when Rose's words play in my mind It's been a month Y/N! He's not calling you, you don't meet up so he's NOT your boyfriend!
"I don't have a boyfriend."

He raises a brow "Really?" He leans forward and whisper in my ear. "How come a beautiful lady like you don't have one?" His voice is husky and my stomach flutters. He leans back while licking then biting his lips. His eyes never leave mine. Oh Dear Lord, how is he so damn sexy?
We chat for a while. My heart beats like crazy and every time he 'accidentally' touches my hand or brush my shoulder with his, my organs do a backflip and my heart skips a beat. I'm afraid I'll faint if this continues.
Suddenly someone grabs my shoulder and I'm in front of my boyfriend.

"What are you doing dude?" Taehyung comes to my rescue.

"I should be the one asking what are you doing with my girlfriend?!"

Taehyung's eyes widen as he looks at me while my jaw drops.
"She's your girl? She said she's single "

"Y/N? Were you cheating on me right now?"

I close my eyes and sigh before I speak up. " Am not. You're not my boyfriend."

His anger rises. "But I AM."

"No" I state calmly while removing his hands from my shoulders. "We didn't see nor call each other for a month now so I didn't think this is a relationship anymore. So as for me, we're done. Now if you excuse me, you just ruined my night so I'm going home." I turn to Taehyung who has an amused expression on his face.
"It was nice to meet you" And with that I walk out of the club, going home.
Taehyung speaks up to the now ex. "You know, I'm a nice guy so I let her go this time but" he leans forward threateningly "next time she's mine so I advice you to get lost."

The guy scoffs, turns his back on him and walks away. Then Taehyung hears a giggle from behind him. There stands a girl, her hand covers her mouth, trying to hold her laughs. She scribbles down a number on a paper and hands it to Tae. He raises an eyebrow.

"I'm Y/N's friend and that's her number" she walks away.

Taehyung looks down to the paper in his hands and smirks, then he walks out the club, but probably this is the last time he's alone.

Next Time she's MINE (Kim Taehyung Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now