Chapter 1

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Monday morning. Like really, why do they put a test on a Monday? A MONDAY! Mrs. Jackson has no sympathy for students and their right for spare time on the weekends. Unfortunately, Genevieve really didn't care, because she went to Patrick's party last weekend. Upss... She knew she probably would regret that. Well, the hangover said it all.

On the way out, she grabbed an apple and ran to school. Freaking early school. The test was the first period of the day. When she got to school she was late, as usual. Her body rushed into the classroom.

"Late as always, Genevieve. Please take a seat." Mrs. Jackson didn't even bother to look at her. She knew who came through the door 21 minutes late for school almost every day. The room was filled with annoyed eyes and curious pupils. She sat down by her "friend", but he was too busy, because he was halfway through the test already. He didn't even take the time to say hello or look up at all. Maybe she did something wrong this weekend? She couldn't remember, because she was too drunk.

Mrs.Jackson came walking to her desk."Here's your test." Mr. Jackson handed her the test and winked at her. On the top of the paper, it said Genevieve. Good luck, take your time. She never understood why she was such a nice person all the time.
  Genevieve opened the first page:

[Question 1. When did the second world war start?]
Easy. She wrote the answer down. ^The war started in 1940.^

[Question 2. What was the reason of the war?]
Oh fuck. She already regret her choice this weekend. She guessed... ^The evolution of face cream, and it was disagreement about who was allowed to use it.^

[Question 3. Which countries was involved in the WW2?]
Since she's had answered what she did on the last question, it had to have something to do with that one. ^Different groups of women, because the face cream made them pretty.^ She read the question again, but she stroke it out and wrote ^England^ instead.

All she could say, the rest of the test went like this.


She was the last one to hand in the test. The classroom was empty, because the other students left when they finished the test. "How did it go?" Mrs. Jackson asked as she stretched her arm out to receive the test, with a kind of I-know-you-failied-but-you-did-your-best-smile.

"Why do you care?" Genevieve said with an attitude, as she stood there. She marked the you, to point it out. Genevieves face was as dark and dead like a dead man with paintings. Her eyebrows rised all the way up.

"Oh... someone is in a bad mood today. You can always pay it up for a better grade?" Genevieve knew what her teacher meant. Her face didn't change. Sometimes Genvieve wondered if this was the way she looked, always happy, or she always faked a smile. The kind she put on every time they talked to eachother.

Genvieve rised, as her anger burst out of her mouth. "No, I'm not taking any special class. I'm fine right here. I don't need special treatment; I just don't want to use my weekend on homework." She almost shouted, but tried really hard to stay calm.

"You knew about this test, 3 weeks ago. Have you been busy since then?" Her teacher eyed her, still with her happy, but pretty face. Genevieve wasn't sure if she paid attention to her, because she looked busy getting all her stuff together. Paper on paper on the top of her books.

Genevieve wanted Mrs.Jacksons attention. She slammed her left hand right on the teachers desk. The sound was loud enough for her head to pop up. "Of course not, but do you see the picture?" Genevieve tried to make puppy eyes, but at the same time not. She wanted Mrs.Jackson to understand her and realize the point.

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