Chapter 30

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Important notice!!!
I've written in authors note but will repeat, I would like to ask all readers to suggest baby names for a boy and girl or just a boy or just a girl which I will use for the actual baby!!! The one I choose, the chapter where I introduce the baby, will be dedicated to that person!!!! Thanks and I look forward to seeing the adorable names!!!

Ella PoV
I pull my black laced camisole on and a white big fit tee on. Underneath, I slip on some simple black shorts. To avoid the cold, I put on a chocolate coloured old knit cardigan on, you could certainly tell it was old, it had a hole on the elbow part and it was a size small but I was quite tiny, so it fit all the same.

I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom, leaning up against my bed. I was looking at the hand mirror that was left on the vanity table. Intrigued by the elegant designs on the back. I placed it back on the bed and buried my head in my knees.
Huh? Back already? I hesitate a little, after the second knock I get up and unlock the door.
"Jackson?...." I barely whisper, Jackson stood by the edge of the door with his arms crossed, he had a black jacket on, a blue plaid shirt and simple dye washed jeans. I felt blush rise up my cheeks when I realised what I was wearing. I pulled my top down as low as I could and wrap the cardigan as tight as I could to cover up as much as I could.
He stands up straight and chuckles lightly,
"Can I, come in?..." He says sweetly, I just mumble and stutter,
"Um, y-yeah, I-I guess, come in, come in," I close the door behind him,
"Been long since I've visited this place," he says while sitting on the edge of the couch. I keep my hands behind my back and awkwardly stand there,
"J-Jason's not in, he....went out, apparently he said he was meeting up with you guys," i comment,
He looks at me with burrowed eyes and says something under his breath,
"That's a lie, we didn't plan to go anywhere, not that I know of, must've been uninvited," he laughs while getting up and walking beside me. We both stand against the kitchen counter top.
"I had a feeling," I say, biting my bottom lip, to prevent tears.
"Did you talk to him?" He asks, i nod my head,
He sighs and taps his shoe,
"What did the dumbass say then?" I laugh at his comment,
"He started to defend Katrina, then...h-he, well...he thought it would be alright to hit me," I bow my head as a small fresh tear rolls down my cheeks.
I feel Jackson move off the counter and suddenly wrap his arms around me, taking me into an embrace. I felt a small tingle but don't move away, instead my hands hold onto him. I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Ella, for everything, although I can't apologise on his behalf," he says soothingly into my ear.
I move away, I start to feel something inside the core, this isn't right.
I move away from him,
"Jackson..." I say but his hands stay firm on my back. The strap and sleeve of my top falls to my shoulder and I move away from him, or try,
"Listen, I don't think we should be..." I keep my hands firmly on his chest, trying to keep him from doing something dodgy,
"Ella, listen, I have to tell you my tr-"
Just then, we both hear the door fiddle about and opens,
"J-Jason?" I gulp,
He stands by the opening of the door and looks from me to Jackson. We both pull apart.
"Jason, listen man-" Jackson starts to say but is cut off shortly by Jason punching him straight in the jaw.
"JASON!!" I scream, pulling him away from Jackson holding his jaw and cheek.
Jason grips my shoulder hard and pulls me off him,
"I knew it! You really are a pure slut! I come here and see you here, trying to make a move on my friend!?" He grips my arm and I shut my eyes on pain.
"S-stop! Your hurting me!!! Jason!" I cry, his glare shoots daggers through me.
Jackson pulls him off,
"Get the fuck off her! I made a move, not her! So don't even touch her! You cold hearted bastard, your going to hurt her, when she's pregnant?!!" I fall to the floor and hold onto my arm, wincing at the sore pain.
I watch as Jason grips Jackson by the throat.
"Jason please let him go, stop hurting people!!" I see the blood trickling from the corner of Jackson's mouth.
Jason elbows me back. I use my hand to break my fall but a small thump lands to the core of my stomach.
"Ella!!" Jackson shouts, Jason looks back and fear masks over him.
I pant and try and catch my breath.
"Fuck, Ella I'm so sorry, I didn't....I didn't mean to-" he stutters and tries and helps me up but I push him away with the little strength I had,
"Move, a-away, g-get lost," I try and get up but groan in pain as I grip my stomach.
Jackson holds onto me before I fall,
"Get your fucking hands off her!" Jason shouts while prying his hands away, Jackson shrugs his hand away harshly and measures up to him,
"Stop being a douchebag and do something, call an ambulance now!! Your kids life might be in danger," his words make tears form in my eyes, not again! Darkness takes over once again.

Jason PoV
I wait outside the hospital room, tapping my shoes impatiently.
Jackson sits beside me,
"Listen, don't blame yourself dude, sure you were a retard but," he tries to make me feel better, or attempts to.
"I knew this would happen, I done it again!" I get up and pace around the waiting area.
"It wasn't her fault, it...was mine, she told me it wasn't the other thing, but hey, I know why you fell for her now," he laughs and wipes the blood from his mouth, making me feel bad.
"Sorry for the punch," I mutter,
"No problem, sorry for before..." Before I say anything a nurse comes in,
I stop,
"Here for Miss Ella, Grace Lee?" She says uncertainly,
I nod my head,
"Yes....," she smiles and put her pen away,
"Your wife is alright, for now, Dr Paisley would like to discuss a few things first, if you'd come this way sir?" I nod and look back at Jackson.

"Go on bro, make things right for both of you, but I'm still gonna make her fall for me," he chuckles before leaving.

"Through maternity ward sir, Dr Paisley is inside, you are welcome to visit your wife after we have finished in operating ward," she nods and I thank her before going inside.

"Dr....Paisley?" I say as I open the door, a young doctor in a white coat looks up while placing a form into a folder. He motions towards the seat available.
"Sir," he welcomes,
"I believe your Ella's, husband?" He asks and I correct him,
"Boyfriend, not married," he just apologises,
"Excuse me, sorry for my mistake, well, your wi- girlfriend is doing well from what I am getting back, again no harm has come to your child, harm was only done to her hip joint area, a lucky escape Mr...Williams? She is just getting her bandages secured, she has been here many times before, I advise you keep a close eye on her, especially during this time, she is fragile in her condition," he explains, I nod,
"Yeah, I mean yes I can see what your saying,"
"Y-you weren't here during her last appointment?" He asks, I just adjust in my seat and nod,
"No, unfortunately Dr,"
"Well, I just explained what she should expect during her weeks of pregnancy, here is a leaflet for you to look through, it basically contain most of what I went through," he hands me a small booklet, titled:
'Pregnancy for beginners: guide for mums and dads-to-be,'
"Thank you,"
"Your very lucky sir, she has gone through, well, a lot, I'm surprised, her condition may only get worse though," he sighs,
"W-what do you mean?" I frown,
"Well, a pregnant women's body is frail, from what Ella has gone through, even though it is her early weeks of pregnancy, it may not be serious now, but will affect her during labour and the delivery of the child, as her body has been damaged, not high damage, but injured....enough," I stand up
"What are you trying to say? That something will happen to her during labour?!" I shout,
He gets up and takes of his glasses,
"I'm not confirming anything sir, I'm saying...some women haven't been so lucky as to get through child birth so easil-" I pull him by his collar,
", watch your damn words," I threaten, the Dr sighs,
"Sir, I can understand but I'm only saying his to make you so much as aware, you'll need to keep her healthy for now, but-" I let go of my grip,
"I've heard enough, thanks," I walk out in anger and fear and regret....and sadness.
There's a chance she might not survive during.....childbirth?

Oh my gosh! Poor Ella, Jason is a prick as ever! And the doctors say she won't be able to make it after giving birth? Anyway read the next chapters to find out!!!!!!

In the meantime, I would like to ask readers to suggest baby names, it can be for a boy or girl or for both, the one I like will be chosen!!!!! I will dedicate the chapter to that reader, the chapter where she gives birth and I introduce their baby that is.

Looking forward to hearing those names!!!!!
Bye my lovelies!!!! Excuse my shitty errors.....

This marks the 30th chapter can you believe it? so a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE
THANK YOU TO ALL READERS!!!!! Kisses and hugs from me!

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