After Wednesday

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"It's never going to happen." I kicked off my shoes and attempted to put my bibbers on without unsnapping any of the buttons.
"It totally could, I mean, you see each other every morning and you have three classes together." Katy said, slipping into her bibbers no problem. I rolled my eyes.
"We live on different planets, he's an athlete and I'm graduating this year." Katy rolled her eyes,
"Who cares about the graduating thing, you still have the rest of the year to date him." We were all juniors, but I had enough credits, and an offer, to go to college after this year was over. It was still early, but when you leave for New York a year early, you tend to think about things like this. I slipped my gloves on and shrugged into my jacket. "Can you zip me?" I asked Katy, turning around.
"Ten minutes until warm ups!" Our band director yelled into the locker bay. "But the two of you would be so cute together." Katy said, chasing me out the door as I fiddled with my helmet strap.
"Katy, please drop it, okay? It was one kiss, we were both tired, it didn't mean anything-" I stopped short once I saw Evan standing outside the door, looking very uncomfortable.
"Hey." He said, shuffling his feet together. "I didn't know if you were still here." I gulped. Katy slid out from behind me and walked away. I glared at her back, resenting that she would leave me here alone with him.
"Yep, pregame doesn't start for another ten minutes." I said, fiddling with my ligature. My friend Ashley walked out of the door and stared at Evan for a second. She deftly walked over to us, grabbed my clarinet, looked me in the eyes and said,
"You get five minutes leeway and that's it." She walked away towards warm-ups. Evan laughed quietly and looked up at me.
"Can we talk about Wednesday?" He asked, pulling me off to the side.
"I really don't think we need to." I said, crossing my arms. Evan rolled his eyes and rose an eyebrow.
"Can we talk about it anyway?" He said. I muttered something not so polite underneath my breath.
"What is there to talk about? We kissed, so what?" I said, getting on a roll, "It's not like it meant anything. I'm graduating this year and you need to focus on swimming and-" Evan interrupted me,
"You're graduating this year? I didn't know you decided." I nodded quietly.
"I just don't want this to fuck up our friend group." Evan nodded.
"It's not like it meant anything, right?" He asked, looking at me dead-on. "Right," I said, my voice shaking a little bit, "We were tired, it happened, let's not talk about it." Evan kept looking at me.
"Right." He said.
"Not right."
"So not right."
With each word we had stepped closer to each other, if I looked at his nose, I would been cross-eyed. He slid his hand behind my neck as I slid mine around his shoulders. He pulled my face to his and then we were kissing. It kinda felt like fireworks had exploded in my gut and were shooting towards my fingers and toes. I had to stand on my tippy-toes to reach his mouth, and used his shoulders as support. How had I not noticed they were so broad before? They were huge, how did I never notice. Oh my god, I totally noticed I had just never thought about till now. Holy shit his other hand is on my back. Damn, since when was kissing this nice?
We pulled apart, both out of breath. I looked up at his eyes,
"You'd think as a swimmer, you'd have better endurance." Evan rolled his eyes and pulled me in again. I heard a wolf-whistle come from the band. I glanced over, breaking away, to see the entire band staring at Evan and I. He winced, and began to step away from me, but my hands were still on his shoulders.
"Why let them ruin the fun?" I eloquently flipped off the band and pulled Evan in by his shoulders.

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