Golden Days

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Don't you wonder when the light begins to fade and the clock just makes the colors turn to gray

Moving in with my grandma wasn't that bad a first. We always had a great time. I never mind to help her at all. I use to love doing everything for her and with her. It was just the best. My mom was with me every step of the way no joke.
School had started I ended up having my moms 3rd grade teacher as my 1st grade teacher. Let's just call her Mrs.G. She was the nicest person I've ever met. She was even Greek. I remember someone and me arguing about the color of skin. She over heard us and told us non of us are black and non of us are white. So she took the lightest kid in the class. And the darkest. No joke. And stood them by the whites and blackest objet. And told us there is no black nor white person.
This was by far my best year yet. Because I made friends not just one or two but about five. And even though they were nerds I didn't care they were my friends. But the thing was most of them were my moms childhood friends children so they were more like cousins. But I don't give a shitty shit shit.
For second grade I ended up having my moms second grade teacher. She was litt. She gave out candy and stuff like that. But also gave me special treatment because she knew my family personally. My little group of friends started to grow some populars started to notice me kinda. More or less as a class partner cause I was smart. So as you can guess I did most of the work or at least the boring parts. Damn I never learned how to say no.
So another death happened. My uncle Mark. He was my favorite uncle we went places together and had so much fun but the death wasn't as hard on me as it was on my mother and grandmother. My uncle was practicaly my mothers best friend the person you could tell your secrets to. My uncle was my grandmothers son one of 3 and a half of her happiness and glory. This death and others may be the reason why she's so up tight with life. But while all the good times were happening my uncle had a medical condition. I don't know what its called but its good enough to speed up your death.
3rd grade was a fucked up grade real f***ed up. I had teacher named.Ms.Koch.Koch.Koooooochh.Koch ( On the first day of school I hit my nerdy crush in the face( cause im really playful) and the teacher seem dat I almost died I mean in my defense he and I messed around a lot in second grade. So yeah I almost got detention on the first day. Fun Times.
My crushes name was Jeremy. OK yes he was white he had really hairy arms for some reason maybe genetics. He was a brunette. But I do blame him for telling me really fucked up things. He told me how babies are made. No joke. So my point of view changed so much on things. Everytime I heard the word balls I would just fucking laugh and so would he and my friends. The weird part was I still liked him.
In the middle of all this shitty stuff there was this girl she fucking hated me. And you know why. Because I told her to shut the fuck up in gym. In my defense I liked gym because I naturally liked working out and sports because I did it with my mom a lot so it was more or less like like a life routine. She told her mom that I was being mean to her. Like Bish Please Nobody Got Time For You. This shit went to the principles office. Like Dah Fuck. She was a turd anyway. But the good part was they school was was on my side even the principle was. Point Kim.
This year I made a lot more friends they were nice to me. And I started to gain a crush on a popular named Aiden. He was a medium tall blonde alot taller than me. He was light skinned. But the only flaw was he was dating another popular named Kate. She was now one of my friends too. Well I got lucky they broke up and our parents knew each other some it was fun to hang out with him.
So when my school started Oreo their the originals or whatever. I was dared to ask out Aidan. (Oreo is a game of rock paper scissors and the winner has to make the loser ask out someone). So I stupidly asked Kate to do it for me and then she started a rumor that he said yes. But he didn't. He really didn't.

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