Lord, how great is our dilemma! In thy presence silence best becomes us, but love inflames or hearts and constrains us to speak.
Were we to hold our peace the stones would cry out; yet if we speak, what shall we say? Teach us to know that we cannot know, for the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Let faith support us where reason fails, and we shall think because we believe, not in order that we may believe.
In Jesus' name. Amen. -A.W. Tozer
In my days here in Arkansas City, Kansas, I have come to know so many great people. My time here has been hard. I have seen many struggles and many angry moments. All of those moments and I would never regrets time here. I love this place.
Life is far to short to be bitter and angry anymore. That is a lesson I've learned here. I'am now at this moment 24 years old. My whole life until now has been a bitter ache in my heart and soul. There are nights when I walk the cold streets and breath in the cold air and cannot help but think that I'am the cause of all my adversities.
I refuse to be bitter an I refuse to retaliate anymore. This is not about the expectancy of passing soon, this is my realization that I'am the creator of the future I choose. Yahweh (God) puts forth my steps, but it is I who must choose the path I will endure. I must become faith. It must be my every breath.
To feel Yahweh is one thing. Look at it this way. An experience is moment that has passed correct? I don't just want experiences with Yahweh anymore. I want the ALL ENCOMPASSING presence of our great creator to envelope whole life and being and purpose and reason to keep living and moving forward. This is the life I shall now live and seek.
I now know that I need no sign from Yahweh to prove his existence to me. I look all around myself and cannot help but believe that I'am only allowed to breathe the breath I take in because he allows me to. Who am I to question this great being? Who am I really?
In genesis it says that I'am made in the image of Yahweh. He created all of us in that image. But who do we see Yahweh as? Do we look at ourselves weak? If so, we to then see Yahweh as weak! Yahweh is not weak! The name Jesus in Hebrew means "Yahweh saves". Yahweh saves us all I we accept that salvation. No other can do that but him. Now that is greatness.
The word image in Hebrew means reflection. Now if the word of Yahweh says that we are made in his image also know as his reflection. Who does Yahweh see us as? We my friends are a piece of him. When a person dies and goes to hell it grieves Yahweh so much because that is a piece of himself that he will never get back.
So as I end this writing about my thoughts on life. I look to Yahweh and ask for strength to go on in this life as a reflection of him.
Hear my hearts cry! Yahweh please give me the strength to endure the adversities of this world. North in me a hunger to reflect you as you would have me to.