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It was another boring day in art class for Graham Coxon. He was usually excited for art, but the teacher had left due to an illness and the substitute was always quizzing them. He was too shy to stand up for himself so now that their teacher was gone he was bullied in that class just as he was in his other six classes.

Unfortunately for him he had classes with Alex James and his group of followers. They were all rich, posh, and narcissistic. Almost like everyone made up mean girl clan but of course they were very real. They made life a nightmare for Graham, especially since he was gay and had no one that would understand how he felt.

Today they were being put with a partner for a project and they had no say. The substitute put them together so they were probably going to end up a mess since she didn't know who was bullying who. "Alright, listen up. Whoever you're put with, you're to stay with. No switching, no trading, and no fighting," The sub began speaking.

"What if there are fights?" One of Alex's followers asked trying to be funny. He was ignored by the sub and class went on.

"Jamie Robinson, move beside Robin Fisher. Graham Coxon, you're with Alex James," The teacher began, pointing at where they should go. Graham sighed and grabbed his things, sitting beside the boy who made his life hell. He was the reason everyone found out Graham was gay.

"Hey, queer boy," Alex yelled when the teacher left the room and everyone laughed. Alex punched his shoulder and smiled. "Wanna come over to work on the project?"

"Why are you inviting me over?"

"Because one, I need a good grade in this class and two, I'm trying to be nice."

"I guess I'll come over," Graham gave in and they were let out of class. After that class they had thirty minutes of free time and were able to go home.

"You know I'm being serious about inviting you, right?"

"Yeah," Graham nodded, looking at the much taller boy. He hadn't realized how attractive Alex was until that moment.

"Well, as long as you're not attack me or anything-"

"I'm not planning on it. I have morals."

"Well, I can give you a ride then," Alex held up his keys, shaking them for effect.

"Can I call my parents from your house?"

"They gonna worry about their little fairy boy?"

"Yep," Graham sighed and followed Alex to his car. When he got in, he realized he was in the car with one of the most popular people in school. He knew that'd do nothing to change him getting bullied but knew it was enough. When they got to his house he was shocked by how large it was. He knew Alex was rich but didn't know how rich.

Alex walked him inside and took him to the kitchen for something to drink. "Water, beer, juice? Anything sound good?"

"Water," Graham nodded and caught the bottle Alex tossed.

"Follow me," Alex began walking out of the room and Graham followed. They went up some stairs and down a hallway before stopping at a door. There was a small sign that read "Stay out" so Graham could tell it was Alex's. They walked inside and Alex threw his bookbag and threw it on the bed.

Graham sat on the bed and held his things in his lap. "What do you want to do with the project?"

"I was thinking we drew my garden and us in it?" Alex shrugged, grabbing pictures from his nightstand. Graham looked at them all, seeing Alex in all of the photos. The garden was beautiful so Graham agreed to do it. Graham got his paint out and the paper had had been using out to begin.

"Are you going to do any of it?"

"You're the talented one here."

"Talented one?"

"I've seen your art. You're really good."

"Thanks," Graham shrugged. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Why are you so mean to me in front of everyone? You're always making fun of me for being gay. If I didn't know any better, it's fact that most people bully others because they're insecure and sad. That means you're probably queer yourself," Graham furrowed his brows.

"I'm not queer and I'm only mean to scare people."

"Why don't you just admit it? You're queer and you are too afraid to come out."

"Fucking hell," Alex snapped, grabbing Graham by his shirt. The younger boy was terrified. His glasses fell off of his face and Alex was breathing heavily as he held the boy up. Alex rested his forehead on his, sighing, and let go of his shirt. He pulled away and immediately cupped Graham's face, smashing their lips together.

They rushed to kick away Graham's glasses and the project materials, Alex not letting Graham pull away for anything. They were breathing heavily and struggling to undress themselves. Neither of them cared about getting caught or anything starting up at school. They just knew they regretted this not happening earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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