Perchè il finale ci ha lasciato con una strana sensazione.

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Ho trovato questa teoria su Tumblr e non potrei essere più d'accordo. Leggetela se anche voi avete finito la terza serie, e nonostante siate felici che abbia lieto fine, vi ha lasciate con una strana sensazione.

Analysis - Why the season 3 ending was happy but left many of us with a weird feeling.


Okay, I have been trying to not make this post, but more and more people in the fandom are slowly driving themselves and other people crazy over having a weird feeling about Even and Isak at the end of season 3. 

That weird feeling isn't coming from nowhere. The end of the season was happy and peaceful, but something was definitely off. 

In order to get there we need to start at an earlier point of the season: 

Yes. The pool scene. See, Isak is 17 years old. He has changed himself to fit in so desperately because he was so scared of being gay, being different. This scene was a step towards his real self, after all that had happened previously: joining Even after he supposedly forgot his ID, making eye contact with Even as they were both making out with the girls and so on. 

At this point, Isak was, even if it was just for a moment, embracing himself and his sexuality. "This guys likes me and I like him, that's all that matters for the moment." And this is, I'm 100% sure, where his true character development started. 

Now begins the Honeymoon Phase. Every couple has these. Everything seems picture-perfect. You ignore each other's flaws and anything that could possibly be an issue in the relationship is being ignored because of course, both parties in the relationship think that this is how it's always going to be and that it's never ending. So, of course, in the beginning it didn't feel much like an issue when Isak mentioned that he'd be better off without mentally ill people in his life. Statistically the honeymoon phase lasts 6 months. But...

The kitchen scene happened. For Isak and Even, it still belonged to the Honeymoon Phase. I, personally, felt like something was off. Surely, Even was acting in love, but so much that even Isak was overwhelmed by it. In my opinion, in love or not, Even was way too ecstatic about being there, being with Isak. It didn't suit his character the way it was portrayed before and even though I didn't think about anything bad at that point, it was clear to me that this was the beginning of the manic episode kicking in. 

This was around the time Isak realized something was off. As a side note, I'd like to mention that this was a perfect representation of a manic episode. Not every manic episode is 24 hours of pure ecstasy. It's a very internal act, the person feeling like being under electricity. It's up to their own condition if and for how long they can keep it together. Some can never keep it together, some can but lose it eventually. This is what happened with Even. He was acting normal. Happy, but normal. Until happiness turned into a trigger for his ecstasy and he lost it when talking about marrying Isak. Later in that clip we could see Isak's face fall, because he captured the moment and noticed that something was off with Even. (I was incabable of finding a gif, sorry) 

There were several similar moments like this, which Isak seemed to have not noticed because he was asleep. For once, Even's restlessness at night, how he was constantly walking the hotel room. Of course Isak noticed that Even wasn't sleeping, but at these times he didn't think it could be something bad. 

I skipped the Even-leaving-the-hotel-entirely-naked bit because that's when we all knew what was going on, even before Sonja came up and said something. I'd like to mention this part tho, because Sonja said something that hit Isak. 

She was basically implying that Even's feelings for Isak weren't love, but mania. People who are aware of bipolar disorder know that this couldn't have been true. But Isak, a 17 year old, who has only faced the mental illness of his mother before, did something every 17 year old would've done: He believed her. At least for the rest of the night or the weekend, Isak spent wondering how much truth there was to Sonja's words. 

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