Chapter 33

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That's Taylor at the top pic

Before I could get out of the car, Jason's mum came out of the house, pulling me into a hug,
"Ella dear!! How great it is to see you! How's my little one doing?" She taps my stomach,
I smile as she helps me to the house, I look back at Jason, who gets out him self and inspects the black Mercedes, which I'm guessing is his brothers.
"Little one, you mean Jason or the baby?" I joke, she laughs along,
"Definitely not Jason, my grandchild and you my sweet," she taps my nose,
"Fine, both of us are fine," she nods
"That's good, I hope your hungry, I made a lot," she guides me into the house.
"One minute," she goes into the kitchen while I look at the banquet laid out on the table.
"So your Ella?" I jump back at the deep voice behind me.
"Woah!" He grabs me by the hand and laughs, one that looks just like Jason's.
"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you little one," he chuckles.
"I'm Ta-"
"Taylor!" Jason comes from behind and does some bro fist thing with his brother, this is Taylor then?
I put a huge smile on my face,
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ella Lee," I put out my hand and he shakes it.
"Mums been going on and on about you, all good things, how's Jason been doing?" He has the most handsomest smile. I get lost and stutter,
"O-oh, he's doing fine I guess, although childish at times," we both laugh along making Jason frown in annoyance,
"Yeah yeah, whatever,"
"Little bro was always like that, lucky he found you, and I heard your expecting?" He smiles happily at me then leans down to whisper to me, turning our backs towards Jason,
"It's just the boost he needs, learn realisability, am I right?" He winks and pats my head.
"Anyway! Whose hungry?" He pats Jason on the back.

When they stand together, you can see the resemblance. The eyes and the perfect jaw, chiselled to perfection.

Over dinner I get to find out that his brother is 25 years old, and he works for a huge company ran by their uncle. That's why he lives away.
"Jason, since Ella is expecting, your going to have to be responsible for the whole family after your little one arrives, that means work," Taylor says while patting his mouth with the napkin.
Jason takes a drink,
"And? Your saying..."
I look between them both, while chewing on my steak, noticing the tension, I kept my attention elsewhere,
"You could work at Uncle Harvey's company's with me, I mean, you should be glad we're well off anyway, but we were talking about how you could work alongside us at the company," I think it over in my head too as I see Jason looking over at me briefly,
"It's the perfect opportunity if you ask me Jason," his mother says,
"Providing for your child and Ella, it's what's needed, hey Jason?" Taylor looks over at him.
"Ok, I guess it will be good for us, after Ella...she gives birth and o-" Taylor jumps in,
"Then it's settled, you'll start working at the company? And it's even better since I'm becoming president..." Sounds like someone's boasting I lush in my head. Their mum shouts with happiness, throwing me off guard,
"Oh Taylor!!! How wonderful!!! Jason, that's perfect for you and you Ella my dear, " I just smile, but fail to see how it is good for me?
"Yeah..." I look over at Jason who rolls his eyes at them which make me laugh inside.
"What do you think, Ella?" Taylor asks me,
"Hmm?" I reply putting down my fork.
"Don't you agree that Jason should work in the company?"
"What is this company?" I say feeling a little stupid not knowing much.
"Have you heard of Wolfman&Co?" He asks with a smile. Wow, that company is huge for their investments and global partnerships in modern technology sales. We looked at them briefly in business studies one year.
"Yeah, they're really big," Taylor's smile grows bigger,
"Our uncle owns that company and I work there, I've become chief president, meaning I need to be a abroad sometimes too, that's why I'm regularly not here most the time," he says with a sad look.
"You mean all the time," Jason mutters loud enough for us to hear.
I change the subject when I see Taylor about to say something,
"W-well it sounds amazing, really really good, I know he'll do great," I smile over at Jason then Taylor.
"So, how about you?" Taylor switches to me after a bit. I glance at him.
He nods,
"How many weeks pregnant?" I look down and calculate in my head,
"Um, I'd say abou-"
"Not long! Two weeks," Jason cuts in, seeming a little pissed off. I get the idea and back off a little.
Taylor looks at him and raises a brow,
"Right, I wish you all the best during, both of you," he says while pouring another glass of wine. I just manage a smile and quietly thank him.

After lunch, I'd gotten the idea that Taylor wasn't so much warming up to me, or Jason for that matter. Some shit must've gone down between them, it wasn't my place to pry however. So I didn't.
"I'll help you clean up Mrs Williams," I stood up from the living room couch when I see her bringing the plates back to the kitchen. Plus, figured Jason and Taylor needed to talk a few things out between themselves so I left them to it.

Jason PoV
"I'll help you clean up Mrs Williams," I look over and see Ella helping mum with the dishes and plates. I turn back and fiddle with the frames over the mantelpieces.
"How old is she?" I look behind me and see Taylor siting down,
"18," was my simple answer,
I hear him sigh,
"Your not even out of school Jason and this is what your doing? What about your fucking future hmm?" I turn around in anger and he stands up.
"Whatever I do, is not your decision, it's mine, so stop acting like you give a fuck Taylor, if you did why did you disappear for those two years?" I glared at him. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed,
" was business Jason, I explained it to you before I went," he say back down,
"No, you left me with mum, she spent all those days, banging on about how she lost dad and how she's now gonna lose us! I spent all those fucking days trying to be your fill in! I had to manage by myself with her! How do you think that was? So I thought, fuck it, I'm gonna do whatever I want with my life from now, my older brother is doing what he wants and so do I, and I don't have any regrets from being with Ella, none, and you are no position to judge me...or Ella," I warn, standing my ground.
He wiped his lip and nodded, he placed his glass on the table,
"I'm sorry, I didn't understand then, but...I do now, Jason. And if you want to be with her, then I won't say anything, but I'm pleading, not for myself but for you and Ella, that you make a decision, you'll need to start work now, to be able to support her, be the father you wanted, little bro?" He patted my shoulder and walked away to the kitchen.
I kept my back away from him as he walked away.
"Jason..." I turned around as I heard Ella's soft voice.
"E-Ella, what's up?" I walked towards her,
She looked like she had a lot on her mind, she looked back to see if anyone was around then fiddled with her fingers.
"I-I think, you should go and work with Taylor and your uncle, it's a great opportunity, to mend your relationship with your brother too....but I understand if you don't want to..." She bowed her head down. I smiled and lifted her head up to look at me,
"You don't need to worry about it baby, I'll go straight into work once...when you want me to, yeah?" I cupped her cheeks. She looked up with hope in her eyes.
"Really? After the baby comes, and you need to be around for a bit, then you can go, I won't let you before otherwise," she giggles as she holds onto my wrist. My smile fades a little but I try and keep it up for her. It starts fading when she mentions her due date. I can't understand when I'm bottling these emotions up from her. Looking forward to my own child's birth is something I should count down to, but after talking with the Dr, I can't help but...fear the moment, every second I'll live in anxiousness for her life. At the thought I grasped onto her tightly, showing I won't let her go so easily.

Finger spasm right now! Just briefly gone through this, updated three chapters at once is hell! But listening to some BTS to motivate me, 'Dope' heehee. Anyway, another reminder, about reader suggestion of baby names, thank you to the previous readers who have suggested some already, much appreciated my lovelies, you know who you are! Sorry if it was a shit chapter. Picture at the top is Taylor peeps,
Still love you all

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