Kiss me hard before you go I just wanted you to know ive got that summertime summertime sadness
I was also know as a badass in third grade because you know I was just trying to change and try new things. I actually had a fucking enimie. Her name was Marzella. She was a tall black girl who hated me. You know what was worse is my Mom ended up I every fight between us. I mean don't get me wrong she almost beat her ass. But I had a reason behind all of this. My cousin Tatiyana( I'll talk more about her later) always use to get made fun of by her. Even though Tatiyana wasn't my favorite cousin she was family. The fact that she was so called chubby didn't help. If I didn't bealive in God I would of killed her. One time I was on the bus sitting with my cousin and we were laughing. So my mouth had been open and I closed my mouth and she screamed. So did I. Apparently her arm was in my mouth( that was f***ing nasty) and I bit her. This wasn't no ordinary bit no this was like them shitty vampire bites. Her arm was red with my teeth marks. So guess what we did blame it on Marzella. No joke. We had to go to the pricples office. The nurse thretend to check the size of the wound to match our teeth. Well they just thought the story didn't add up because Tatiyana was on the inside of the bus. Yep. Surprisingly I wasn't on punishment but It felt like it. My mom was dating this guy that was practically a dick he was a stone cold bitch.
His name was Chris. He was a fat white man that was a ugly fag. He may had took me to Chucky Cheese. But I don't CARE. I think the only REASON for her dating him was that he had a car. Other than that I think all those "I love you's" ment FUCK YOU. The worst part well one of the worst parts were him talking about sex with my mom. Sex.Ssssseeeexxx. LIKE THE FUCK HOW TWISTED IS YOUR MIND. REMEBER IM LIKE 8 WHEN THIS HAPPENED EIGHT. 8. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Get ready guys for the big grand finale. Are you ready. Him hit me. Not on accident. No on purpose. On PURPOSE. With my own shoe. And Remember he doesn't have the authority to him me. In my mind I should of been smart enough to kick him in the Nuts. The Balls. His Dick. Something. But I was young. And One more thing to trigger me was that. I remember him trying to get on top of my MOM when I was coming downstairs. So of course I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom and cried. For hours. Im still scared for life.
So my grandmother always liked my cousins better maybe it's because of my father. She just didn't like me. She always treated my cousins Tatiyana and Peaches(aka Teran) like they were better than me. They always got first pick. But my mom noticed and tried to make me feel better. But what was worse was that her mother use to beat me all the time sometimes because of her kids. It was like hell in one belt. One time they lied on me and said I messed with her tomatoes she was planting. Her mom used a hanger, belt, and shoe all at once. An angle must of came down to help me because My mom knocked on that door. I ran out that house not even grabbing my stuff I had welps on my ( Google the word) bumps and bruises and more.
Later that summer it was my abuelas birthday. And My family knew Adians. It was so much fun to hang out with him cause his fam was invited. So later that day Tatiyana told Adain that I liked him. In that moment I might have been sent to hell cause I was gonna kill her. He and I were talking about It and he said he had to tell me something. Well with my luck we had to go and I tried to stay and hear what he had to say but he told me to go. And I did.
I did.