My Unfortunate Story.

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"I would lie and say yes, but seeing as I just nearly flew it into a building, I'm guessing you know the answer," my new 'friend' responded.

I should probably back up. My name is Alliette Beauvais and everything changed when I died an hour ago.

~Three hours earlier.~

17:00. I'm late. I'm so late. I promised Cirine that I would meet her at the local park at 16:30 and here I am, half an hour late, and just leaving the house.

"Au revoir, Ally!" My little sister Daniella laughed. "Hope Cirine isn't too mad!" Behind her, her twin Dauphine was messing around on her phone. I just roll my eyes at them, and wave at my Grandmère and the picture of my parents - whom I have no memory of because they disappeared just after my sister's birth when I was two - before turning and sprinting towards the park. Upon arriving I immediately notice the long pink tresses of Cirine. Her back is turned and I wince, hoping she won't be too mad but knowing she will be anyway. "Ah, bonjour Cirine!" I call out brightly, smiling to conceal my fear.

"Bonjour Alliette! It is so nice of you to show up! I was wondering if I got the times wrong and showed up too early but no. It says right here; 'I'm free to meet up at 16:30.' Alors? What is the story?" She simpers, but I can see murder in her wide brown eyes. I twirl a strand of my short blue hair and grimace. "It's the twins' fault." I mutter feebly. She stares at me, clearly deciding whether she should keep questioning me, but decides to let it pass. Dieu merci.

"Shall we go?" I ask. She nods absentmindedly, now lost in thought. As we walk along I also slip into a daydream, which is huge mistake on my part.

See, the thing is, when two girls who both have a terrible sense of direction are walking together, you're bound to get lost, or at least not end up where you were supposed to. Of course, this is what happens.


"Oui Alliette?"

"We appear to be lost."

"It does appear that way. What do you suggest we do?" she responds calmly. How is she so calm?! We're lost, we're near la 18th arrondissement and it's 17:15, we're going to die. La 18th arrondissement is an extremely dangerous part of Paris, where there are the most stabbings, the most pickpocketing, and extreme poverty. Also both Cirine and I are dressed rather well, so you could tell we have money.

"Relax Alliette, we're not going to die," Cirine said sternly. She knows me too well, it's like she reads my thoughts sometimes.

"Mais Cirine! We are in the 18th arrondissement and it's almost night!"

"Aliette. It is barely past dix-sept heures. We will be fine." I guess she has a point, but I don't have a good feeling about this. As I shouldn't have.

~Approximately half an hour later.~

Update. We are still lost and now we're also hungry!

"May I panic now, Cirine?!" I snap at her. This is where it all went astray. I shouldn't have snapped. "Well I'm sorry, Aliette, but it's not just my fault, it's also your fault so don't you go blamin-"

"Are you serious right now, Cirine? I was following you. This is your fau-"

"Shut up, shut up Aliette! This probably wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been a half-hour late!" I reel backwards, she has a point. But I was stupid and had to retort.

"Yes, well, you were the one who invited me out in the first place so you should have known where you were going." She opens her mouth to answer but I keep going. "Anyway, you never know where you're going! Whenever we go out you never know where we're going and you always get lost! You're useless." I delivered the final blow. She's glaring at me with tears building up in her eyes. "Well if I'm so useless then I better leave your Majesty Alliette alone." She pivots on her heel and stalks off. I messed up.

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