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My heart is pounding out my flushed chest. Wetness runs down a narrow, small tan face. The touch of soft hands along your revealed arms. Your chocolate brown eye shivering from nervousness.

The minute he said

Total darkness takes over, and all you can hear are blankets being moved around.
Your up!!

Darting up in the air, with sweat glimmering in your forehead. Panting heavy and fast. Your head pounding every second.

You look around and see golden light coming from a window from the right of you. A chair and a wood desk sits in front of another window. Messy papers all over the floor. It was your room.

It was a dream, you suppose. Your feet touching to cold hard birch floor. You start to cry. The one that you love has left you.

He promised you he will always be by your side. But he is nowhere to be found.

This truly is emotional cancer

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