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I sit at home impatiently tapping my foot. Why isnt she here already? No texts, calls, nothing. Its been 30 minutes! Is she mad at me or something? Breathe Lynn, breathe. I decided to call her mom.

Dial dial dial. Ring ring ringgg.

"Hello?" Meagans mom said as she answered.

"Yeah hi, uhm its Lynn."

"Oh hi sweetie, are you guys having a nice time? Meagan has to get on the train soon by the way." She said.

"yeah, thats what I called you about. Has she called you saying anything about her going on the train? Or something?" I asked.

"Hmm.. no she hasn't. Is everything okay? What do you want her to sleep over or something?" She asked while laughing.

"I wish. Well, you see. - Sigh - We were at the park, in the little area were the train is and the trees. I know it was stupid of us, we just wanted to look around. And when the train was moving I turned around and didnt see Meagan anywhere. I kept calling her name and everything. I said id see her at my house in ten minutes. Its been about thirty-five minutes now and nothing. Ive called her and texted her and she hasnt answered. Im worried," I said.

"Oh my gosh, I'll call her now. How about you go back to the park and try looking?" She asked me.

"Ofcourse, call me back if anything. Bye" And with that I hung up. That was probably the longest conversation I've ever had with her mom.

   I grabbed my keys and left the house, my heart still pounding. Just take deep breathes, everything will be okay. Hopefully we will all laugh about it. I walked to the park looking everywhere. No signs of Meagan. Once I was at the park, I didn't go straight to the woods part. I walked all around the park and asked anyone if they saw Meagan. I described what she looked like. No one knew. So i walked towards the fence, climbed in, and there I was. Once again in the woods by the train. I started looking for any signs.

"Meagan, MEAGAN!! Are you here! Answ-" i said then all of a sudden, got kicked to the floor in the back of my knews. Then i felt myself getiing kicked on my side. I was bleeding, I knew it. Inside or outside.

"You're next." I heard a deep voice said. Then the train started going again and I couldnt hear anything but that. Oh my gosh oh my gosh. I can't get up I'm going to die. Then all of a sudden, I spotted something shiny. It was Meagans. It was her heart necklace. I crawled over to it, and picked it up.

"Girl, are you okay?! You you over there, by the tree. Yo Your bleeding, You okay?" Some teenage said. She called over her friends.

"Um no not really." I answered. They all came in and helped me out. They helped me to my house. They kept asking me what happened, but I said nothing.

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