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I am 19 and am now a new recruit for the US army. Today is the day I board the helicopter to leave for war. I'm not scared to say, but I am nervous. I didn't tell anyone outside of my family until today. It's currently 7 a.m. Well, 0700 in military time, better get in the mindset right now. I am not quite sure what to pack, they told me I get a duffle bag and thats it. I think I can fit a guitar if I really try, so I dont grow rusty while im over there, you know? After that I can't fit too much. What's the next most important thing... toothbrush. That's it. There is not much else exciting in my bag. I got some family pictures here, some snacks from home, and some cookies we all baked yesterday. "We all" just means my family and I. I won't lie, this does weight on my heart a little bit. I wish I had told people outside my family sooner, but it is too late to change that now. My family is taking me to breakfast at 0900. It's 0830 now, i think I have time to finish the letter I started writing last night. I don't conpletely know why I'm writing it, but I think it's to say "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." Well, that's dad calling me to come out to the car. He gives me another chance to invite people to breakfast with us, but I would rather not bother all of them with this. Being the mother that she is, Mom says I look great in my army uniform. I won't lie, I feel handsome in my uniform. When we walk outside, the entire nieghborhood is having a party for me, I swear. I guess we aren't going to breakfast, rather breakfast came to us. By the time it's 1030, I've eaten and made it around to everyone. There was a lot of "come home safe" and "make us proud." Mom and Dad have one final suprise though. They are going to make a suprise toast for me, because who knows.
"Heres to our noble young man, doing his part to give back. And when he comes back, we'll have another party!"
I simply laugh and tell them we have to go. While driving to the airport, I get plenty of texts saying "please come home again," and "Wish you the best." I got one in particular that read "Omg youre going where!?!? Where are you leaving from." So I told her. She wont make it there in time most likely. I've met all the squad before and even if she does come, they will just make fun of me, like they would anyways.
It's 1130 now and we pull up. It's right now I finally got hit with the reality of what's going on. I'm about to leave and theres a chance I won't come back. Anyways. 20 minutes till we get on the helicopter. Saying goodbye is always hard. And by the way, this isn't "goodbye." I hate that word, it makes it feel like ill never see them again. I will make it home ok, and im going see them again. 10 minutes and I start walking towards the plane when I hear the tires roll up and my first thought was "She actually made it."
"Hey! Jake! What the h*** do you think you're doing!?"
"I thought I was getting in helicopter to leave but apperently Im gonna stand here now."
"You think it's ok to just shoot me a text saying youre going to war and im gonna be ok with that!?"
"I was hoping."
"You are so insensitive sometimes." She said punching me in the arm, hard. "If you get on that metal bird, and you dont get off... I'm never forgiving you. I'm going to have a hard enough time forgiving this anyways."
1155 now and i have to get on soon.
"Here. Take this. And where it when you need me near alright." I said, taking off the half-heart necklace i've worn for around a year now.
"You... you took off your necklace. You never do that."
"Yea, thats true, but youre gonna need it more than I will." I said placing it in her hand.
A voice called to me from the chopper, "Hey! Jake, we got to go! Finish up and get on."
I turned and i gave her a huge hug and said my farewells to her personally, and then waved to my family. As we were taking off I made a heart with my hands at them, and Felt a tear roll down.
"Hey! Jake. Don't be a bi***, stop crying." Someone called and everyone, including me, laughed.
"I'm crying cause the onion stink in here! And its coming from you!" More laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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