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" Mommmmmmm ! I got an invitation from an entertainment company from koreaaaa !! "

20 years old Marilyn excitedly shout from her room after she received an email from BigHit Ent. that invite her to do a song. Marilyn is a youtubers that always do a cover of many kind of song. Shes talented for short.

" Eh ? B-but how ? They watched your youtube channel ? " Mom asked. Weirdly.
" I guess so. They gave the link of my Blood, Sweat and Tears cover. I think they did listen to it. Oh my God mommm , Im so excited !"
" Wow you're lucky then. We should celebrate that !"
" But mom. Will it be okay then ? I mean, I'm gonna leave you for a month. And you're alone. "
" Its okay baby. " Mom pat her head. "Mom is okay. As long as you grab the chance and be what you wanted to be. I dont want to stop you from become a singer."

Mom is such a lovely person. She keep supporting Marilyn in almost everything - include Marilyn's korea addict. She watch K-Drama, she went to all kpop concert just to accompany her one and only child. And yes , she bought everything that Marilyn need. Since Marilyn lost her father in very young age , she need to take care of Marilyn with a lot of loves and happiness.

" Mom , I love you so much. " She hugged her mon tightly , with tears flowing from her eyes. It shows how happy she is.


" Did you bring your passport ? Identity card ?Medicine ? Everything ? " Mom asked. She checked Marilyn's beg for about 10 times. " Yes, Mom. I do bring everything. Dont worry " Marilyn laugh at her mom's worriedness.

" Take care okay ? If theres anything, just give me a call. Or text me thru whatsapp. "
" I will , Mom. Thanks Mom. Im going in now. Take care too." Marilyn hug her mom for the last time before she get into the airplane. She's worried but she know Mom doesnt her to be worried. She hide her tears and get in.

" God , please protect my mom from any danger until i get back here. " she prayed.

After 6 hours , she finally reached Incheon International Airport. She get her stuff and saw a guy holding a paper that wrote her name.

" Marilyn Dennis ? " The man asked.
" Yes I am. Are you Mr. Hong ? "
" Yes. Come follow me. Mr. Bang is waiting for you."

She followed Mr.Hong into the car and directly went to the company. Shes very excited about everything. They both were talking about themself along the way.

After 1 and half hours , they arrived.

" You can just leave the bag in the car. I'll send all of them to your hotel room. Go take the elevator and press level 4. You can just ask anyone there to show you Mr. Bang's office." said Mr. Hong.
" Oh thank you so much, Mr.Hong. I appreciate that. See you later." Marilyn waved to him and start to walk into the building.

Her hearbeat strongly pounded. She is nervous. What should she say to Mr.Bang ? What if she fails ? What if Mr.Bang didnt like her voice ? Everything is playing in her mind. She wanna keep everything to be positived.

BAMM!! She bumped into someone. She almost fall but the guy reached her and help her to get up.

" Are you okay ? " the guy ask, with a deep-husky voice.
" Yes, Im okay. Th- " She stop. She's looking at the guy who bump into her. Damn. He looks familar. Did they met before ? Well pricisely no.
" Yes ? " The guy stared at her for a long time and that makes her blush in all sudden. His smile is too sweet to handle. Do she know him ? Or she just forgot ?
" Aa..err...Ah thank you for helping. I um. Im sorry Im late... I need to go " Marilyn quickly run into the elevator with her red face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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