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I have decided to go out today. Marta changed me, she is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I have to prove her how much I love her.

I got dressed very quickly and I walked out of the hotel through the back door to avoid tourists and fans.

I walked in Venice pretty much the all morning to try to find the perfect store. Finally I found it and I walked in.

"Buon giorno" an old man said to me. I'm sure he doesn't even know English. What am I going to do now?

"Hello, do you speak English?" I asked him really slowly. He looked at me in a weird way and he disappeared after two seconds. Where did he go?

"Good morning!" a younger woman told me smiling.

"Good morning" I replied and I took off my sunglasses. She smiled to me, maybe she didn't recognize me.

"You're Zayn right? A member of the English band" she said. There, forget it. Sometimes I hate to be famous.

"Yes, it's me. But I'm not in the band anymore" I said smiling. Even though I didn't left them, I still have to say I did.

"What can I do for you?" she asked me gently.

"I need your help. I'll pay more if is necessary but you have to promise me that no one will never know what I'll buy and say. Please" I explained.

"Alright, I promise" she said. I smiled at her.

"I fell in love, this time I'm really deeply in love" I told her. The woman looked at me and she smiled just like a woman can do when you start to talk about love.

"You're in the right place. So, what were you thinking about?" she said smiling.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I need you to help me"

"No problem, what type of girl is she?"

"She's perfect, she's beautiful. She's funny, she has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen" I told her.

"And she loves my hickeys" I added laughing while I was thinking to the other morning. She smiled

"Well, maybe I know what you need then" she told me and she walked away. After a couple of minutes she came back with a blue box in her hands.

"Any special occasion?" she asked.

", I don't think so. We've been dating for two weeks now"

"Ok. Let's see what could be right for her. Of course you'll choose, I'll just show you different jewelry"

"How old is she? So I can select something that is for her age" she added and she looked into my eyes.

"She's 19, her name is Marta" I replied.

"What a wonderful name! I wanted to name my daughter Marta but I had three boys" she said smiling and I laughed.

"So, bracelet, earrings or necklace? Or all of them?"

"I have no idea" I whined and I put my head in my right hand. She laughed.

"Have you noticed if she wears these things?"

"I've never seen her with a bracelet on. I think she doesn't like them, she doesn't even have a watch. She always asks me for the time"

"Alright, so no bracelet"

"She has a lot of earrings, a pair for every outfit. And she has a necklace with the infinitive symbol. She takes it off just to go to sleep, it means a lot to her"

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