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Long time Ago, on the 17 November 2002, a little girl was born. A Child like every other one.
This Child was Named...Kassandra
She grew up in a place, where are much crimminals, drug dealers and much idiots are living. She always got beaten and treatened like shit. But her parents were really careful, when they were there with her. Her Granparents always were too careful. Really, too careful. They were watching her also from the balcony when she was playing with friends Football on the field outside the house. They were alost stalking her. It drove her crazy. She was good at school, had good grades and much friends. Almost everybody loved her in her elementary school and she was happy. She understood everybody and tried to help, when somebody needed her help. She tried always her Nest and her best friends, Mia and Joana always helped her, stood by her side. She had everything in her life. She got even a little Sister when she was 7 and a half year old. But everything Changed in year fife. She has to Change School. And then...

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