Ellie and Craig - Somewhere Only We Know

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Chapter One

Dear Ellie,

The tour's been great so far. I'm still opening for Fall Out Boy and man, have we had some fun. The guys are really cool, and now that they know that I'm in recovery they're always sure to try to choose places to hang where I won't be tempted. Well, as tempted. I mean, we tour in all the big cities and drugs are everywhere, right? But I guess it was the same way back in Toronto. Thankfully none of the Fall Out Boy members are into that scene. And don't worry, I've been clean for a year and a half at this point and I'm not about to relapse now. I'm still going to group back in L.A. and it helps a lot. By the way, did I ever thank you for introducing me to group? Well, thanks. You've always been on my side...sometimes it's felt like you were the only one.

So how's Toronto U treating you, Nash? You still running things at The Core? Well, gotta run, show starts in fifteen. Catch you later, El. Write soon.


Dear Craig,

Glad to hear you're doing well. I'm sure you're stealing the show as always haha. Yeah, Pete seemed like a cool guy when I met him in L.A. with you that time. I can't believe that was six months ago. Seems like just yesterday, yet at the same time it feels like it's been forever. Cheesy, huh? Well some clichés ring true, I guess. Yep, I'm still the editor of The Core. It's a lot of hard work (not to mention super awkward being in the same room with your scumbag ex every day), but writing has always been my dream, so it's definitely worth it. I've gotta run too, I have a new edition to finish before tomorrow. Oh, and Craig - don't write so close to showtime next time, they'll need all of those fifteen minutes to make you look presentable :P Haha just kidding, I'm sure you're still a ladies' man like you always were. Speaking of, tell Yvette I said hi.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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