Children with fox blood

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College student Rina falls in love with a fox and has 2 half fox, half human children with him: a daughter Lisa and a year later a son, Tobi. Soon after, their father is killed while hunting food for their children.

Rina's life as a single mother is difficult, Lisa and Tobi constantly switch between their human and fox forms, and Rina has to hide them from the world. When she is visited by social workers concerned that the children have not vaccinations, Rina moves the family to the countryside away from prying neighbors. She works hard to repair a dilapidated house and sustain the family on their own crops.

One winter day, Tobi almost drown in a river after trying to hunt a king fisher, but Lisa rescues him and Tobi becomes more confident. Lisa begs her mother to let her go to school like other children. Rina accepts on the condition that Lisa keeps her fox nature secret. Though Lisa's classmates find her strange at first, she soon make friends. However, Tobi is more interested in the forest, and takes lessons from an old fox about survival in the wild.

In fourth grade, Lisa's class receives a new transfer student, Justine, who realises something  strange about her. When he pushes her, Lisa transforms into a fox and inadvertently injures him, leading to a meeting with their parents and teachers.  Justine tells them a fox attacked him, absolving Lisa of blame, and the two become friends.

Lisa and Tobi argue over whether they are human or fox. 2 years later, while Lisa is at school, a storm gathers and Tobidisappears into the forest to help his dying fox teacher, Rina follows him. The other children are picked up from the school by their parents, leaving Lisa and Justine alone. Lisa reveals her secret to him by transforming into a fox. Justine tells her he already knows, and promise to keep her secret.

As Rina searches the forest for Tobi, she slips and falls unconscious. Tobi find her and carries her to safety. She awakens to see Tobi transform into an adult fox and run into the mountains. She realises he has found his own path and accepts his goodbye.

In the following year, Lisa leaves home to move into a dorm in junior high school. Tobi's wolf howls can be heard far and wide in the forest. Rina, living alone in the house, reflects that raising her fox children was like a fairy tale, and feels proud to have raised them well.

The End...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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