#1: Yoonseok

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Based off the prompt: Person A gets dragged to some place they hate and meet Person B. Person A uses the excuse of 'my friend keeps bringing me back here.'  to keep seeing Person B.


There was only one word that could describe Min Yoongi: lazy. At least, that's what he came off to everyone who met him briefly. The guy was usually lounging around, laying down and it always seemed like he slept more than the average person. Yoongi absolutely hated physical activity and the only time he got exercise (or went outside, for that matter) was when his friends Jimin and Jungkook managed to drag him to the dance studio they owned together.

Even then, he just sat at the back or front of the hall, on his phone or listening to music, watching the dancers. He rarely participated in the actual dances unless Jimin bribed him with food or money.

Min Yoongi wasn't completely lazy. Not exactly. Sure he spent majority of his time lounging around but there were occasions where he wasn't found at home but in his music studio. Besides, when he was lounging around, he's usually writing lyrics for songs.

'You sure you don't want to come? You haven't left the house in almost a month.' Jungkook asked over the phone.

'Yes, Kookie. I don't want to go to the studio today.' Yoongi sighed, his headphones hanging around his neck. He was in the studio, working on his mixtape when his phone had suddenly sprang to life, Jungkook's name flashing on the screen. He'd gotten a little fright and had debated whether he should've answered it or not but he knew Jungkook would kick his ass if he didn't.

'Well, okay. Where are you? Are you at home or the recording studio today?'

'I'm at the studio today. Why?'

'I'm not going to the dance place today. Tae's helping Jimin today so I'm not needed.' Kookie mumbled changing the subject. Yoongi could hear the sound of cars coming from his end of the phone. He frowned a little at Kookie's quick change of subject but didn't question it.

'Where are you going then?' He asked, swivelling around from his desk and facing the door, biting his thumb nail slightly. His studio was a mess. Dirty takeaway containers were stacked in the corner near the desk. He had a blanket and pillow set up on the floor and clothes shoved into a plastic bag. He was living in his studio and it was gross. Yet, he rarely went home unless he had to shower. His excuse? I need to get this mixtape done.

'Gotta go! Bye!' Jungkook called before hanging up. Yoongi listened to the dial tone, confused. He knew Jeon was weird but this was slightly unlike him.

With a shrug, he pulled his headphones up over his ears and turned back to his laptop, getting back to work on his mixtape again.

Not even five minutes later. He could hear someone banging on his door, shouting words that were slightly inaudible. With a scowl on his face, Yoongi stood up and pulled the door open to the studio with such a force. For some reason, he wasn't shocked to find himself faced with Jungkook, dressed in workout gear and a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

'Why the fuck are you here? How the fuck are you allowed here?' Yoongi asked, slightly confused but more annoyed than anything.

'I'm skilled, Suga. I swear you forget that I'm amazing. Anyway, here. Get changed.' He threw the duffle bag at Yoongi. Yoongi let it drop to the floor with a slight thud and looked at Jungkook with a small frown.

'I'm not doing anything. I'm staying here to finish this song.' He said, glaring at Jungkook who smiled.

'Look, I'm going to the new yoga place down the road. You've barely left the studio and the only time you went home was to shower and eat. Plus I haven't seen you in a while, Suga. So please, come with me?' Jungkook asked in a tiny voice, a small frown appearing on his face. With an over exaggerated groan Yoongi nodded. He could never say no to his friend and it annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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