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I take a step out of the familiar car into an unfamiliar scene. I look back at the familiar sight inside the car of my brother. Then turned around to see a very unfamiliar sight, a school. Everywhere I looked I saw, old, yet peaceful and beautiful looking buildings. People riding bicycles. People enjoying each other's presence, nothing I had known of before. I look back at the comfort one last time before embarking on a new adventure.

I walk across the courtyard to what I presume to be the front doors of the school. As soon as I step into the building, eyes dart straight at me. I have never felt so exotic than at that exact moment in time. I calmly walk my way around trying to find where I could learn my new daily life. No one seemed to want to offer to help the new girl, this, this is what I am used to.

"Hello," I hear a soft voice come from behind me, "I was wondering if you would like some help."

After hearing the comforting voice, I turn around to see what produced the sound of help. Once I do, I see a fairly tall girl, with very light blonde hair, seemingly cut short. I smile towards her, non-verbally opening myself up to the help. She smiles back and then guides me in the right direction to get professional help.

"My name is Noora, what is yours?" She questions in a soft manner. "Sorry about all of the stares, it's not everyday that someone new shows up to Nissen."

"Anastasia," I reply, with a softer tone than Noora. She smiles and nods; we then continue our little walk towards the front office.

"What year are you," she asks kindly.

"1st," I keep it short, she can tell I am not much of a talker and cuts it off right there with a curt nod.

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I am your woman," as she says this, she hands me a piece of paper, "here is my number, keep it."

As soon as she says that we find ourselves in the front office, we head up to the front, ask for my schedule for the year, and head back on out to find my first class. Thankfully, my first friend made was in the same first class as me, how lucky am I?

Throughout the rest of the day I met all of Noora's friends: Eva, Vilde, Sana, and Chris. I had also been invited by Vilde to join their bus, which I hesitantly agreed to join, knowing nothing about this such thing as a "bus."

As of this moment, we are all sitting down and waiting to go home, each of us waiting for a ride. Then, came a large group of boys.

"Hey, we were wondering if your bus would like to join ours for a party on Friday," said the one boy with the floppy, brown hair.

Vilde jumped up as quick as humanly possible and agrees wholeheartedly to the plan at hand. The rest all seemed okay with it, but Noora seemed very apprehensive to the idea. The next chain of events explained why, very clearly. As Vilde was swooning over the floppy haired guy, my guess being his name was William by what his jumpsuit displayed. But, while Vilde was swooning over William, William was looking dead at Noora with a look of lust covering his face that only Noora and I seemed to have noticed. He then noticed and looked towards me and said, "invite your new friend, as well, the more the merrier." He winks at all of us. He then walks off, with his group of boys in tow.

Once that event was over, at the other end of the courtyard I see my brother pull next to the sidewalk. I say bye to my new found friends, and make my way over to the familiar car and away from the unfamiliar scene now behind me.


I was just sitting on the window sill. When I looked out all I saw was breathtaking beauty I had never seen before...

breathtaking•jonas noah vasquezWhere stories live. Discover now