There are many types of people in the world, but there are usually only two types of people shown to kids going into high school; "Pro High School" or "Anti High School". They have conflicting ideas about almost everything that goes on in this building. We'll start with the lighter side of things. Lets start with the "Pro High School" People.
"Pro High School"
Everything will be great and happy! There is so much responsibility and freedom! You get to do whatever you want all the time and you don't have to listen to anyone. Everyone is so much more grown up and cool. There are tons of hot people to look at and all of them are awesome! You'll make a ton of new friends but your old ones will be fine with you branching out and joining new groups, in fact both groups will get along great!!!! It's so much fun, it'll be the best days of your life and you're going to have an awesome time. You're teachers treat you with so much respect too! Like you can be equals too and friends even! Its just an amazing time in this one building you'll learn so much and have a great time!
Now, let's go to the other side of the spectrum.
"Anti High School"
This place is hell on fucking earth. I hate it. You'll feel ready to die. You make plans to murder all of your teachers. You're treated as though you are a fucking second grader again. Everyone is horrible. I want to blow up the entire school. You make no new friends, your old ones will fucking leave you in the fucking dirt. Its shit. Like literally everyone is shit. I hate it. You will hate it. There are a ton of people who are absolute asses, and they are usually dead ugly, because 'hot' people don't fucking exist. Teachers hate all of you. They will literally say on the first day, "I hate all of you, now lets begin". Its hell on fucking earth, like you could be burned alive at that place and it would be a fucking Tuesday.
Now here is basically how I've figured out it is:
9th grade:
You're treated like a child and for pretty good reason as you are usually the shortest people, the stupidest people, and usually the most blind to the fucking hell it is out there. You're teachers basically don't give a shit but sometimes you luck out and get a good one. You will have days where you want to burn down the school and everyone inside, especially the upper class men. Like holy fuck they have giant sticks shoved right up their asses, well most of them, thinking that they are so much fucking better than you all. But you know what, they've dealt with three to four years of this shit already. They deserve a little respect not fucking burning down the school with all the teachers and their upper class men inside. Also, its shit, you are taught shit. It's the easiest fucking grade now get prepared for the harder crap and don't fucking slack off, if you do, guess what you're in the fucking shitter the rest of your high school years. Also, it's a pile of homework and jail bars.
10th grade:
Basically the same shit from the teachers, upper class men, you're thought to be stupid by the ninth graders, you hate it, there will be some possible good moments, but mostly its shit, you want to kill everyone still, and well you can barely legally drive so still no freedom.
You still have a ton of homework and joy to the world its getting fucking harder for the classes (DX)
11th grade:
Still treated like children from the teachers. The twelfth graders look down at you. The tenth graders envie you. The ninth graders hate you. There is a ton of shitty work. You can hang out with your friends more because you got the hang of driving! You have some freedom! But most likely, unless your parents are filthy rich, have to have a job to pay for your freedom. You are starting to realize how fucked up the world really is. You still want to burn down this fucking school, but you just keep telling yourself one more year after this just one more year.
12th grade year:
TONS OF FUCKING WORK. NO TIME TO STUDY OR DO ANYTHING BECAUSE EVERY OTHER SECOND YOU HAVE A TEST. You have a job to deal with too, and it's shit, and you hate everyone there. You have no time for friends, but you still go 'fuck it' and go to a party because you know what 'you only live once' even though you know in the morning you are going to feel like shit and want to die, but you do it anyway.
You have very little freedom because everyone is screaming at you, "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FUTURE GOING TO BE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE????? WHAT COLLEGE???? GIRL/BOYFRIEND????"
You are envied by the entire student body below you. You hate everything about the school, but you are thinking about what's ahead and thinking 'you know I could live through another year, just give me some time...just a bit of time' and then you realize "FUCK NO!" and now your back to square one. Your teachers, still, treat you like a child, well till you do something wrong then "YOU ARE A GROWN ADULT WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" so yeah, fucked up there, adults see you as the new pile of shit. You are still contemplating lighting your school on fire, just because, well will give these shits freedom.
A/N: So that's just sort of what I've been seeing around my school, from my short experiences at my high school. This is from the point of view of a freshman so just, um, sorry if I got anything wrong and yeah just felt like venting my feelings on high school. So yeah.