ch.1 Hogwarts Letter

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It was a  beautifully sunny day, it happened to be the first day of July I was in the process of reading a book on my bed, when someone knocked on my door. I pulled myself off the bed to open the door and it was harry

"oh hey harry " I said happy that it was him

"hey Sophie there was a letter in the mail for you" he said handing me the letter

"you can stay here if you want, and you could also hide here if Dudley annoying you" I told him he gave me a greatful smile then proceeded to jump on to my bed. I looked at him and shook my head and started reading the letter it said:





I looked at this letter in confusion but decided to open it either way it had a big red Stamp on it with a seal imprinted on it I slowly opened it

I looked at this letter in confusion but decided to open it either way it had a big red Stamp on it with a seal imprinted on it I slowly opened it

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I read it about 5 times till I finally decided that this makes no sense. I abruptly left my room rushing down the stairs to the sitting room , where my dad was lounging on the sofa; while my mom sat in the rocking chair. I passed the letter to my mom allowing  her to read it thinking maybe she had an answer. I watched as her faces warp into a look of disgust and then one of pure anger she turned towards me and said "Sofia" with a stiff tone

"Mom?" I said looking at her in pure confusion

"Take a seat."

"Okay" I say slowly pulling out a chair and sat across from my mom

"What is wrong with you, honey" the last word dripping with bitterness

"What are you talking about?"

" you are just reminding me of my sister... she got this letter too you know?" She sounded so cold

"Mom could you explain to me what is happening?"

"My sister's blood runs through your veins , her dirty blood" she rammbeled on 

"Mom you can't say that about your sister"

"Well it's true this..this letter got her blown up and it will do the same to you" at this point I was just confused I opened my mouth to say something but my mom cut me off by getting up. I watched as she walked towards the fire "this ripped my family appart I won't let history repeat itself" she held the letter over the fire and dropped it
"MOM!" I yelled in confusion she simply walked away

I stood up and followed my mom and steped Infront of her

"you can't do that mom"

"What do you mean?"

"Mom you can't just say that and walk out on me"

"I can I'm your mother"

"At lest tell me what the letter means"

"It means you are a freak" she said walking around me as I stood there stunned.

What had just happened I dragged myself towards my room the door was left slightly opened. I opened it and flopped myself on the bed and huffed what the hell is my life I thought I turned my head towards my nightstand lifting a family picture we took that Harry couldn't be part of so I  stuck a picture of his face on the picture. I smiled at it thinking of how mad dad was when he saw it ; I tried to recall what my mom said
"I don't want history to repeat itself"
"Got her blown up it will do the same to you" 

What does she mean ?
I'll find out, I always do

Sofia Dursley (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now