Prologue: Dawnstar

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Salazar hated Dawnstar

To be perfectly honest, most living beings were. The land was cold, almost no games were to be found if you were a hunter, and a freaking Giant had set up camp, led than a hundred steps from the city.

Even worse, while the Pale wasn't even Nearly as dangerous as the Winter Hold, it still was no place for anyone to live, other than the cold-blooded argonians, the khajiit with their fur coats, and the nords, who'd decided not to look any further when they'd first dropped anchor here.
And Salazar was neither. He was a Breton of course, no savage like these primitive beasts here. He was Well-bred and well-raised, hailing from Farrun. And this cold land was not to his liking.

But no matter, he had nowhere else to go, for you see, Salazar was an Acolyte of Vaermina. He'd been an acolyte ever since he'd been a lad, and only necessity had forced him to flee High Rock when the fanatic followers of Saint Pelin had set the temple to fire, back in Farrun.
His lady, the queen of nightmares, and led him here and he knew her word was law.

Still, she hadn't told the hosts what he was supposed to do here, and therefore they had, as per usual, put him on hunting duty.

So that's why Salazar, crouching and creeping towards the rather large looking elk, was cursing under his breath.

He was no Archer. He couldn't aim with a bow, and the bowstring hurt his fingers. And he was in no way near fast, or strong enough to land a hit on an elk with a dagger. this was why he had to stick with magic.

Summoning The Aura of Shock in his hand, Salazar squinted, before making sure he was aiming right, and released the small bolt of Lightning.

The elk raised its head at the alien sound, but before it could move away, Thd current of lightning moved through it. Million jolts of lightning moved through the beast, it shuddered and it fell.

Salazar smirked, before riding fron his hiding spot.
When he reached the fallen elk, he realized something.
How in Mephala's webs am I supposed to carry this thing beck to the temple?

He looked around, and then to his knapsack. He had no rope to drag the beast with, and no way to cut it into pieces or carry it in any other way, and he sure as hell had no idea how to cast a weightlessness spell. Salazar wasn't sure if such spell even existed.

Salazar sighed. "Really?"
And sat down next to the elk, thinking on ideas, how to take this thing to the temple.
He would probably ask the khajiit, if they were around, but the Caravan wad in Windhelm now. And he sure as hell was not going to ask The guards for help. The greedy bastards would probably take half the thing as 'fee', and then arrest him for pouchinh on the Jarl's terrains.

He dropped his head, grabbing it with his two hands, and thought why am I gonna do?

"Oi!" Someone called from far away.

Forced out of his self-pity, Salazar turned towards the source of the sound.

It was a gigantic man, green and brown in color, with unforgiving eyes, a face that Resembled more of a boar than a human. If his face, growl, if color didn't find it away his tusks would.

It was a fairly common sight back in Wrothgar, The land that once housed the state of Orcinium. Not that common in skyrim.
An orc, with the expected armor and weaponry. Except he wasn't alone. A band of his kin were behind him, each carrying a weapon I was sure I could never even lift.

I said "yes?" At the orc, who sneered.
"Is there a temple around here?" He said.
I raised an eyebrow. It was fairly common knowledge that there was a sect of worshipers in the old temple up on the hill, but not many knew exactly what we worshiped there.
So I gave the answer that was the last suspicious. "Of course there is!"
The orc sniffed, "where can we find it?"
I said "up on the hill. That being said, could you help me carry this elk there?"
"Carry it? Why?" One of the orc's companions said "you work for 'e?m?"
Salazar nodded, "Aye. I'm an acolyte"

The orcs didn't like that. "You one of them acolytes of Vaermina?" He yelled, drawing his great orcish Warhammer, "we haven't had a night of sleep for months!"

Another orc said "kill 'im!" And the orc with his hammer attacked with a loud cry.

Salazar saw red for a second, then felt himself fall with a loud thud.
And then darkness shrouded his eyes.

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