Every time I closed my eyes,
I'm dreaming about you,
I'm thinking about you,
Are you doing the same too ?
Sometimes I want to be with you,
Sometimes I want to talk to you,
Sometimes I want to hug you,
And sometimes I want to kiss you.
I don't want to punish myself,
Cause I know, it's just an illusion,
I know I can't talk to you,
I know I can't hug nor kiss you,
I know it's possible,
I know you don't want to talk to me,
I know you don't want to hug and kiss me.
Every time I call you,
The only person whose talking is me,
I think I'm crazy,
You don't even know how to forget and forgive,
Sometimes I only heard:
"Sorry the subscriber cannot be reached please try again later."
I try and try but at the end,
I cried.
I'm deeply thinking
Why are you doing this sufferings to me?
I know you don't know my sacrifices for you.
I'm tired,
I'll promise you that I will not bother you forever,
But if you will call me too,
I will answer:
"Sorry this sim card was lost, the subscriber was lost and never try it again to call her because you lost her".