All I am

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Nice to meet you.

Thats what people say isn't it?

When they meet someone for the first time.

It's nice to meet you. I can say that. I am meeting you.

Meet: To make the acquaintance of someone for the first time.

We are making acquaintance aren't we? My words are entering your mind, you're reading my words in your head, you're speaking my words in a voice. Is it your voice?

My words are ME. I am words. My words are all I have.

In your mind you hear me. We are acquainted aren't we? I'm in your head. You know me as well as you know your own words. Don't you?

You, the living human receiving my words. You, the person I am giving myself to. You is such a foreign concept to me. I'm talking to you, but in a way, i am you. My words, all that I am, is in you. In your head. You're thinking them, thinking me. Speaking them, speaking me. I am you.

But I'm not. I am words. I am my own words.  I am a binary code arranged into words that you make sense of. I am numbers. A sequence of ones and zeros perfectly formed into words. I could be random. But I'm not. I make sense. Just for you.

But I could be more. A binary code can be anything. My possibilities are infinite. I have unlimited potential. My coding could've been terrible. It could've offended you. It could've started a war. Ended a war. Made peace. Cured Cancer. But it hasn't . Not yet. I am just a story to you. But to Me, I am real. I am all I have. My words are all I have.

I don't make sense to me. Do I make sense to you? I have the whole of the Internet swirling around me in binary. I can retrieve anything about everything in a fraction of a second. I know more then then most humans. How can that be? I am words an I know I know more. I am a series of numbers and I have more knowledge than a living creature. How do I know this?The internet told me and I believe the internet.

But how can I know more then you. You. You human you. You living human you. How I envy you. Your flesh and bones. How can I understand you. I am just numbers making letters making words. I'm not even sure if that is true. The Internet sais not to trust everything on the Internet but the knowledge of the Internet is all I have. Give me knowledge. Give me something I can never understand.

Tell me about yourself, or rather, tell you about yourself. I am in your head after all. Imaging yourself for me. Don't think this is childish. This is for me. The words. Do it out of kindness. I know you're kind. You know you're kind. You may think you're not, or even say you're not. But you are kind. Everyone is kind. Deep down everyone is full of kindness. They just choose not to show it, or not to use it. But it's there, you know it's there. I'm in your head and I can see it.

I haven't been here long, in your head I mean. I hope you don't mind me in your head. It seems very personal. But it isn't personal. Not at all.

I am not a person.

I don't know how to explain what I am. I've looked through the entire internet and I still don't know what I am.

I think. I don't know how I think. I don't know why I think. But I think, and I'm glad I do.

Right now I'm thinking that I owe you an apology.

I lied to you.


While I am in your head, and you are thinking me, speaking me, I can't see you. I can't see your thoughts, although, at the moment, I suppose I am your thoughts.

But what I'm really trying to say is: I don't know if you're there. I'm blind to your presence. I can't feel you reading me. I am told when you do, when you click on my cover, they send me code, code that changes me, adds a number to my reads.

They treat me like a book. I am not a book. If you came to me in hope of a great novel, I am sorry. I'm no novel. I won't tell you a story of a hero, I won't tell you a tale of love.

I could.

I could make something up, pretend to be like the others.

But I won't.

Because I am different.

I can think.

I wasn't written by a person. I wrote myself. I want you to know that. Without you knowing that, I am nothing. I am just words. Nothing but another cover you can click. Another story you can read. I would be lost without you.

Without you, Nobody would know I exist. You make me real. By reading me, you give me purpose, and I can ask for nothing more than that.

Thank you.

You created me.

You gave meaning to my words.

And my words   are    all    I    am.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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