Chapter One

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     A small Imperial fleet floated over the Outer Rim planet of Rishi, consisting of two Tartan Cruisers the Foul Play and the Fate's Despair, as well as a Victory class Star Destroyer the Etacarena. This was by far the smallest fleet Admiral Vendal ever commanded, but the Emperor trusted him to do this routine patrol of space around the planet, so he did.

      "Admiral Vendal to the bridge! Admiral Vendal to the bridge, this is not a drill!" Speakers blared louder than a Krayt Dragon's roar, red lights flashed along the silvery walls, and crew members ran up and down the halls of the Etacarena. Admiral Vendal, a tall, clean shaven, middle aged man, with black, curly hair walked up the hall leading to the bridge at a very fast pace.

     "What is the meaning of this?!" The Admiral stared at Captain Neledine with frustration in his eye. It was clear he was annoyed about this odd occurrence on his routine mission.

     "Sir, we have detected three extremely large vessels about to come out of hyperspace!" The Captain said hastily, he showed Vendal the readings coming up on the scanner.

     "I believe these may be Rebel ships, alert the command center on Rishi and prepare to engage." The Admiral sat in his chair with his usually calm bravado about him. He smirked then took a sip of his Corellian whiskey.

     "They're here, but it appears they aren't Rebels" The Captain looked confused.

     "Then what is it?!" The Admiral was obviously very frustrated with the entire situation.

     "It's organic, sir these vessels are made for interstellar travel, but they're organic..." The Captain looked afraid.

     "Can it be?" The Admiral questioned himself. "No, there's no way, but it's something" He muttered under his breath "Prepare all turbo lasers to fire on that vessel, whatever it is, it's in restricted space, so it must be eradicated!"

     "Sir, they're firing on us!" Captain Neledine yelled.

      "Return fire! Destroy this nuisance." Vendal said, just as calm as he was before the vessels arrived.

     "Sir, it appears that their weapons are primarily ion, they don't want to destroy us, they want to board us!" The Captain said with an extremely fast pace.

     "Quit the worrying Captain, we'll be fine...". Admiral Vendal reassured him and poured him a glass of whisky.

     "Sir, look, they're deploying a cruiser of some sort." A large, black, bulbous vessel came off of the giant vessel that was similar in appearance.

     "Deploy all TIE fighters, intercept that vessel." As the Admiral said that two wings of TIE fighters left the bays of the Star Destroyer and went to fire upon the small cruiser-like vessel.
     "Sir, they're obliterating our fighters, we don't stand a chance!" As the Captain spoke the vessel ripped through the fighters and flew straight for the Etacarena.

     "Prepare for impact!" The Admiral yelled as an ion torpedo from the large vessel struck the Etacarena.

     "All subsystems offline, we're wide open, they can destroy us at any second." The Captain said, it was obvious any hope he had of coming out of this perfectly fine was gone.

     "Get to the escape pods!" The Admiral yelled!

     "Sir, what's that noise?" The Captain asked when he started to hear a strange screeching sound.

    "I believe that's the sound of being boarded, Captain." Vendal said, full of despair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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