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Name - Layla
Nickname- LJ, Laylaberry,
Favorite color- blue
Male or female- iron man aka female ill explain later
Grade- 7
College- I'm in 7th grade!!!
Hair- blonde with darker blonde streaks, it's also been blue
Tall or short- I'm a short potato
Jeans or sweats- jeans no doubt
Phone or camera- definitely my phone
Health freak- you wish
Apples or oranges- APPLES!
Crush- nope
Guy or girl friends- both
Piercings- two on my ears
Pepsi or cola- Dr Pepper
ever been on a plane- just about a billion times
Ever been in a relationship- yeah
Ever been in an accident- never ever
First piercing-  8 months old on my ears, they got infected though
Best friend- I like to call them acquaintances
Hi chickenNougattt !!!!!!
My acquaintances- enchantress_allyssa ILuvApples03 MadisonSolis6
Damn it Lys I don't know anyone!

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