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1. do not break up or attempt to break up people. cheating is included
my relationships with other people do not concern you. don't try to break them up. I've had this happen before and I don't tolerate it. cheating is a no. that's fucking messed up and I really don't like to play a depressed character after they've found out they've been cheated on.

2. tell me in advance if you will not respond for a while
I'm telling you right now, weekdays aren't my strong suit unless I'm on break. this ooa has school which happens to be quite hard and I have to study for tests and exams and shit so please be thoughtful of that and weekdays I won't get around to everyone.

3. please set up or suggest a scene
everyone says this, it's not that hard. I'm tired of the shitty role plays I have going where it's all. "what do you want to do" or the stereotypical "hi -walks into Starbucks bumps into and coffee spills all over my WHITE dress" like no fuck off and think of something original. I have scenes but I prefer to hear out some other people's ideas.

4. use more emotion
I do this too but think of more emotion then "-smiles-" "-grins-" "-giggle-" "-chuckles-" "-laughs-" I know I'm putting your brain to work but try something new. how do you express yourself?

5. third and first person
yeah yeah I know nobody uses third person, but it's a lot easier in my book. you can describe things better than "-runs-" no you can say like "Abbey ran around the pole before turning to the left to doge a bullet." I prefer third person but if we have to, I'll do first.

6. cutting and suicide is a no
these topics are sensitive to me and others. I will block you if you start the whole. "I'm worthless, no one likes me. I should just die. my parents abuse me. I've been raped." and all that, I will block you no questions asked. I'm okay with a rape or abuse scene but please don't make it suicidal. If my bio says I'm a huge flirt, flirt means trying to attract someone for amusement rather than serious intentions. k thanks.

7. have fun
that's all my ranting done so have fun and rp.

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