Chapter 1

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Derek was staring at his ceiling with a senile look on his face. The smell of other wolves filtered through his nose. He was uncomfortable as he only recognized about three scents. This wasn't pack, but he would deal. Heaving himself out of bed, Derek glanced at his haphazardly pack bag and sighed remembering the night before.

Lilah told him of another vision she had, a warning of some sort. Beacon Hills was yet again falling to pieces and with the new alpha, Derek needed to be their to help guide Scott. Now that he got more used to taking care of people, it will be easier. Since when is anything ever easy?

The house he was in was three levels, all filled with rooms for other occupants. It was a pack house. He started walking down the stairs, carefully avoiding the pups who were racing toward the kitchen. Cora found a lovely pack, very kind of only a little defensive with new comers. After a small explanation, they welcomed Derek and Lilah with open arms, giving them food and a place to sleep.

Though it was only a temporary stay, they did their best to make the former alpha feel at home.

"Derek!" Another thing that Derek enjoyed, a bright young wolf with a cheerfully dimpled smile and bright brown eyes full of cheer and mischief.

Christine was a 24 year old wolf, considered the main caretaker/teacher of the pups, now including Lilah. Chris was fond of the smaller girl just as much as Lilah was fond of her. Two peas in a pot almost, if Delilah wasn't so young. It did help that Derek found her attractive as well.

"Chris," he nodded his head respectfully at her. The she-wolf giggled and grabbed his hand, eagerly dragging him into the kitchen. Quickly filling three plates, she handed him two before dragging him outside.

Now Derek didn't usually tolerate this behavior but it seemed he never had a choice against Christine. She was a very dominate women who knew what she wanted and how to get it. And he knew his time with her would be limited. Without saying a word, Chris nodded her head toward a group of young pups playing. All were about 6 or 7 and were mostly rough housing. In the middle was 4 year old Lilah.

"It's almost like they grew up together." Cora mused, coming from behind them and taking the offered plate from Chris.

"Pups form bonds easier I guess." She shrugged, sneaking a glance at Derek. He did catch it. He also knew many of the pack members from his sisters pack wanted him to stay. If not only for Lilah and his own safety then for Cora as well. He honestly would have considered it if it hadn't been for the danger coming to Beacon Hills. And Scott. It always comes back to Scott.

Besides, Beacon Hills was where his true pack was, his true family and friends as well. He promised he would be back and he didn't intend to break it.

Derek stayed quiet as the girls conversed. A few minutes passed before Derek called Lilah over to get something to eat. The small girl eagerly rushed to him with a shout of, "Daddy!"

Derek grunted as Lilah slammed along his chest but his hold never wavered, instead maneuvering her comfortably on his lap. Delilah took a few bits of the eggs and finished off his toast before claiming to be full. He knew that wasn't true in the slightest.

"We need to convince Stiles and Scott to stop feeding you junk food. You barely eat anything else." Derek sighed. Cora snorted in disbelief and a giggle while Christine looked a bit peeved.

"So when are we gonna see Unca Stiwes and Scottie?"

It could be years before he would willingly want to see Stiles again but he didn't think he could stay away from the alpha. The kid had grown up so much and kept his innocence through it all. Even with the darkness now forged into him, Derek knew he would be the one Scott ultimately came too. It made him warm inside just thinking of it.

"Soon baby, real soon. Promise."

"How soon is real soon?" Derek chuckled, kissing her hair and looking at his watch.

"We will hit the road in a couple of hours and be there before you know it." Delilah accepted his answer and turned to Cora.

"Are you coming with us Auntie?"

"Nope! I'm staying right here." Cora hummed, eyeing the trees. "That was the whole point of coming here. So I could be back home."

"Now it's time for us to go home." Delilah said softly. Cora nodded while Derek placed Lilah on her feet and stood, stretching his body.

"Why don't you pack up baby? I'll come help you later."

"Okay Daddy!" Lilah skipped inside and up the stairs with no questions. Derek followed, only Christine going into the kitchen with him. He put his plate in the sink, quietly washing it.

"So your really going back?"


"Why?" Christine asked, putting her own plate in the sink.

"Their my pack."

"We could be your pack." Derek paused as Christine wrapped an arm around his waist. She was a small fling in the nicest way possible. Derek knew he was going back to Beacon Hills, but she was a sweet woman who deserved better.

Derek turned to face her and said the only thing that kept his mind running and blood pumping. "Scott."

Christine sighed and retracted her arms, crossing them over her chest. She smiled sadly and shook her head. "That alpha had you wrapped around his fingers."

You have no idea. But it wasn't only Scott, it was his words. He gave Derek a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging. He gave Derek a home. That's what He wanted to go back to, that's what he lived for. He finally got what he's been searching for since he came back to Beacon Hills.

"He's home." Derek shrugged. Christine nodded and rubbed her arms with a frown before turning watery eyes up to him.

"Tell Delilah I'll miss her. Don't be a stranger Derek." Chris leaned over and kissed his cheek softly before fleeing from the room. Derek sighed and went up to his room, packing his things then to Delilah's, occasionally helping her. She was getting a bit fussy lately, wanting to prove she was a big girl.

An hour later they were heading out to Beacon Hills, back home were they belonged.

A/N: ok first chapter is done!! So yeah Derek is such a heartbreaker. I feel like I made him a bit like Dean Winchester (hence the photo) and... oh well both are insanely gorgeous so no harm no foul!! XD Hope you like it!!

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