The Beginning

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    I astrid, have imagined alot of things in my pass. Sometimes I would imagine the beginning of time, or the end of it. Life has been hard but using your imagination can change all of it. I think about people all over the world controlling all consepts with there mind.

    The beginning of time comes from a long way back, when we were nothing. The imagination that God has used, changed it all. When you look up at the sky, would you think that would be a new beginning?

     Millions of people have died and gone to heaven, there beginning had just come to a start. Living with a good imagination gives you the life of impossible. I had some thing in my past that was extremely helpful to learn from.

     I have always wanted, sence I was little, to become one of the most extraordinary people to teach in Astronomy. I also dream of becoming a professor in one of the college's. But that's my imagination and thing I dream about never come true.

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