Chapter One

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A/N: Hey all you Leland lovers. I am making this story for all the girls that love Leland Chapman. Now, I am more of a Dakota girl but I will make a Leland story just for the fun of it. This is really not how I feel about Leland. I hope you guys like it...oh and there's a surprise in there that will shock you all. Love you all so much!

Leland's POV

"I am driving to the gym because I have a big match coming up and I need all the training I can get. So today, Sonnie is going to help me train for my match." I said to the camera. I parked my hummer and got out and walked into the gym. "Hey Sonnie." I said as we bro hugged. "Hey Leland, I have a girl that called in and I thought this would be the one that you have been waiting for." he said with a smile. "Sonnie, I appreciate your help but I need to do this on my own." I said a little annoyed. My family and friends set me up on dates and make me meet girls so I wouldn't be single anymore. After every date I have to call them to tell them what I think and I always yell at them and it turns into a fight. The only one that lets me do it on my own is Duane Lee.

"Come man let's train." Sonnie said waiting to lace up my gloves. After that, he put on the punching pads. I started to punch the punching pads until something beautiful caught the corner of my eye. I looked and it wasn't a was a someone.

Ariel's POV

I walked into the gym and put on my gloves. I walked over to the punching bag and started punching it. As I was punching it, I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. I looked around and a man was staring at me. He had long brown hair that was shaved on the sides and it was in a braid. His eyes were a dark chocolate brown and you could easily get lost in them. He had tattoos on both of his arms; a flame sleeve on the left and a Hawaiian girl and other stuff on his right. It looked like the other guy was trying to get his attention but he kept swatting him away. I flashed him a smile and winked at him.

I guess he got the courage to talk to me because he started walking towards me. "Hey." he said with a smile that was so cute that you would easily love it.

"Hey." I said returning the smile. "What's your name? I'm Ariel." I asked him as I took off my glove to shake his hand. "Leland." he said, shaking my hand after removing his glove as well. "Leland! Come, we have to train!" the guy called for him. "Be right there, Sonnie!" Leland yelled back. "Well I have to go. I'll see you later. Here," he dug in his pocket and handed me a little peice of paper. "Call me sometime." He said then winked at me. I blushed and he left back to the guy named Sonnie.


After I finished training, I went home. I took a shower then washed my hair. After I was done, I went to put my clothes on but my phone started ringing. I looked and it was Leland. "Hey Leland." I said and sat down on the end of the bed. "Hey beautiful. What you doing?" He asked. "I was going to get dressed until you called." I said. "So your in a towel?" he said and I knew he was smirking. "Shut up." I laughed playfully. "I'm going to get dressed. Hold on." I said and sat the phone down. I put on my panties and a long t-shirt. I picked up the phone and crawled under the covers. "I'm back." I said and laid back on my pillow. "Okay. Please don't think of me as a pervert but I heard the snap of your panties and I found that as a turn on." He said and I laughed. I didn't giggle, I didn't chuckle, I laughed my ass off. "Its okay, Leland. Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked and he sighed. That's never a good sign when you ask someone that. "No I don't. She divorced me and got custody of my sons." he said and I frowned. "Oh well I'm sorry to hear that." I said sadly. "Its okay." He said. Then we yawned at the same time. Then we laughed at the same time. "I think we should go to bed." I said and then he whimpered. "But then I won't get to hear your beautiful voice." he said pouting. I chuckled. "Goodnight Leland." I said with a smile. "Goodnight Ariel." he said and we hung up. I plugged up my phone and turned out the light. I rolled over and dreamed a happy dream.

A/N: So do you like it? Its okay if you don't because its just a start. Vote comment and fan. I know its short but the next chapter will probably be longer. Love ya!

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