LEGOLAS AND ARAGORN - Another love story.

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Legolas and Aragorn, two extremely brave men, but both extremely different. The orcs charged on, followed by goblins, oliphants, you get the deal.  

Azog and Bolg were of course leading. Both Azog and Bolg had their usual slumbered over posture, with their bodies armed and ready to begin with war.  

"Mirdautas vras" Bolg roared, which in other words meant "today is a good day to kill" Legolas was smart, as well as attractive, he could translate  

any language spoken in Middle Earth, his father Thrandiul taught him well. "Mabaj bot ob armauk" Azog shouted, which meant "I have many enemies".  

This echoed all around the land. "No one likes you eitherway, Azog" Legolas said, calmly speaking as he held tightly to his horses reigns. Azog roared with anger  

as Bolg held him back, "not yet brother" Bolg told Azog. "Do you want to get yourself killed?" Aragorn asked Legolas, looking up at him. "Aragorn,  

my friend, we shall all die in the end, just not today". Aragorn nodded and looked ahead. Something was clouding through Aragorns mind, he was acting  

very different. He is never worried about battle and war, infact, Aragorn enjoys letting loose during war, the feeling is amazing when its over, even 

though you have risked your life greatly. "Lul Gijak-Ishi" an Orc shouted from behind. All of the orcs laughed, their deadly sounding cackles curse  

through your body, it is a truly deafening sound, infact it is much worse than their battle cries. "If insulting me is all you can do then you are truly  

not going to get far" Legolas laughed, "This is another pointless war, your 'father' Saruman is too weak to fight himself. He is nothing but a spineless fool, 

he has no power" Legolas confronted the evil ahead. There was a silence, as Legolas looked on. "Your father Thranduil is as weak as you are, "king of Mirkwood",  

'king'? He is no king! This king you speak of is a FOOL, he is nothing. What makes him special? Just like your she-elf friend, Tauriel. Undur kurv!" Bolg laughed, 

staring ahead into Legolas' eyes. "Dont speak about Tauriel like that". The orcs laughed. Aragorn looked up to Legolas, "What did Bolg call Tauriel? Aragorn asked 

Legolas. "Nothing, just something insulting, no need to worry" Legolas replied. Aragorn looked ahead. Legolas smiled down at him just as Aragorn looked up again.  

"What are you smiling at?" Aragorn laughed, Legolas just grinned and looked on. "Legolas, - Aragorn begun. "Would you say that you and Tauriel are  

getting 'close'? Legolas looked down to Aragorn "My father would not allow it, as much as he likes her, she is not royalty. All she is is a warrior" Legolas 

explained. Aragorn looked down thoughtfully as he knew Legolas dodged the question. "Lle naa haran e' nausalle, but infact you're no king" Dwalin yelled. 

Azog turned his nose up. "Lle tyava quel?" Legolas asked Aragorn. "I feel fine, brother. Thankyou". Legolas and Aragorn were always concerned for 

eachother, they were both there for eachother and never went a day without knowing how eachother were. "Mani naa essa en lle? Tauriel asked, loud enough 

for the evil to hear. "Who's name?" A few Orcs asked, well, didnt exactly 'ask' more demanded. "You." she pointed. Gorgol looked around.. "Me?" he laughed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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