Poem #14 by MissNerdyEverything

40 3 2

Love isn't a thing nor a feeling,
Love is a person who stays in your heart,

even after death.

For reasons unknown we feel it,

and are unable to rid ourselves of love.

But it makes us human,And makes us feel alive,

It makes us happy.

Love is a candle that you want to stay lit forever,
And sometimes you can,
But other times it burns out.
Love is multiple candles that form together to make one candle.

A candle for lust,

Another one for compassion,

Hurt and sorrow,

A high of happiness and hope,

And safety of their presence.

Love goes on after death,

But in reality,

 only one candle keeps it going,

Hurt and sorrow.

Love can be obtained,

Love can be lost,

Love can die.

But Love never truly dies.

It's the small heartache,

The little nagging in the back of your head,

The smoke from the candle,

Keeps Love alive.

Always keep fighting,

To blow out the last little candle,

of hurt and sorrow.

It's gonna hurt a hell of a lot worse for a long while,

 But things WILL always get better.

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