Chapter 1

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Italics mean thinking, (Parentheses) means author's note, Bold means flashback or time skip

Grian's P.O.V.

I sighed as I peered out the window of my bedroom into the village and rolling hills covered in a thin layer of sparkling crystals, and trees bare of any leaves as it was Winter. I saw children and teenagers playing in the snow throwing snowballs, making snowmen, and snow angels. I so desperately wished I could be like them, and to have a normal life. But that could never happen, as I am the prince and have many duties. I'm grateful for having a roof over my head and food, water, and clothes, but I still dreamed of being free. I'm not saying living in the castle is bad, but I can't do anything without being scolded that ' A prince should never do such things!'. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door.

"You may enter." I told the mysterious voice at the door.

"Prince Grian, it is time for your meeting." They said as they opened the door to reveal their face. Another boring meeting. Yay. I sighed.

"Thank you Taurtis." I responded. Taurtis was a servant that helped me out a lot when I needed it, and was the closest thing I had to a friend. I never really had much time to talk to him because I'm always busy but, he's always been very kind and there when I need him. He had raven black hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a bit tan skin.

"Another argument with Talgune?" He asked. (Random kingdom name)

 "Yeah." I replied. I got up and walked with him to the meeting room.

~Time Skip brought to you by Torito's~

", no, NO!" I yelled. I put my head in my hands and pulled my hair. Tears streamed down my face. I tried taking deep breaths but my heart was beating to fast. WHY!?!?!

Dragonite- Hello my wonderful dragons, I hope you liked the first chapter of my new book! I will be posting another chapter soon or in a few minutes. Cya!

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