The story you know, with a twist.

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Our story begins in the Darling home. The children, Michael, John and Wendy are winding down for bedtime as their mother tucks them into bed. As the children fall asleep their mother quietly slips out of the door but not before extinguishing the candles on the children's bed side tables, somehow forgetting the one she had lit in the windowsill earlier that evening.


The children were sound asleep as Nana, the family's dog, sleeps quietly at Wendy's feet as if ready to pounce on any who may enter and try to harm the children. As the window aimlessly begins to slide open Nana begins to stir, but does not awake at least until she hears the small "click" sound of the window hitting the end of its track. At this moment Nana opens her eyes and begins waiting silently for the intruder to enter before she can attack. A shadow begins to creep in onto the windowsill, slinking along with its demon-like existence. After waiting for a short while Nana realized that the shadow did not have an owner and the demon-like being was indeed a demon that of which might have been sent from hell by Lucifer himself. Without another moment of hesitation Nana sprang forward as if to pounce on the non-tangible beast and in doing so knocked over a pile of books. Nana began to chase the thing around the room and yet not letting out a single bark as if to not wake the children. In all the commotion Nana did not realize the magnitude of what she had done. As she leapt forward to attack the ill-intended intruder the books she had knocked over had just as coincidently toppled the lit candle in the windowsill setting fire to the books and then just as easily to the curtains. The children now awoke as Nana began to yelp and bark with every ounce of energy in her being to awake the children so that they could escape the house before the inferno overtook the dwelling. However as the children awoke and began to try to run for the door the entity began to stack chairs and furniture in the way of the exit. The creatures true intent was now clear. The children screamed out as the flames overtook them and gasped for air as smoke filled their lungs. The home was now entirely engulfed in flames. As the children felt death's grip closing in on them a hand gripped them tight and raised them from their damnation.


The hand was that of a young boy, he was dressed in peculiar clothing made up of vines and leaves. He spoke to the children in a voice softer than the clouds. "My name is Peter," he said. "Peter Pan, and I'm here to take you to Neverland. A place where you will never grow up." The children did not question the stranger for they did not even seem to remember the tragedy they had just endured for it was their demise. They simply agreed with the boy and they flew away into the night their souls freed from the demon who so savagely tried to pull them into the pits of hell.


And so it is believed that if a child is to die a tragic death an angel will appear to bring them to a heaven where their souls will live as children for all of eternity. These children are known as the "Lost Boys" for most of the souls believed to have been taken under the wing of this mysterious angel were those of orphans or deaths of an infant for Peter could not stand to see them live a life without a mother or father who loves him or her. Where there is evil in the world there is just enough good to counteract the bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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