My undead friend

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I was in the back of a van, tied up and hurt. I could barely keep my eyes open, I had lost to much blood. Darkness started to creep into my vision, I fight it, but it won't go away. Soon, I'm in total darkness.

      "Macy was a good friend, and a loving daughter. She didn't deserve to die this young, in the back of a van, lost, scared, and without any family or friends. "Connor, we can leave if this is to much." My mom says. I shake my head as my eyes water. I let my black hair fall into my face to hide the tear. Macy had been my best friend. She always stood up for me, she was what kept me from cutting myself everyday. Seeing her brown hair and winning smile made me happy. I hear a knock from behind the altar and look up. The coffin had opened, and out came a pale, well dressed Macy. Everyone went wild, except for me. I was to happy to know she was alive to care she rose out of a coffin. I ran up to the altar and hugged her. She hugged back. "Connor, I thought I was dead." She says in a raspy voice. "Yeah, me too." I let go and help her out of the coffin. I check her pulse and she has none. I know what she is now, but she's not craving brain or flesh. She would have eaten me if she was. "Hey, Connor, want to go grab a burger and shake? Being dead is tiring." I smile. "Sure. You do know..." I start. She covers my mouth and nods. I shake my head and we head out to the local burger place. "Connor! You're dragging a zombie around! Get back here!" My mom says. I give her a sideways look and shake my head. I keep heading ot with Macy and I hear her call again. We get to the burger place and order. Macy gets a double burger and large shake. I get half of what she did. I pay and we sit down. She wolfs down the food and I eat slowly. "Well, someone was hungry." I say. She sips her drink and nods. "Yeah, haven't eaten in days." I pull at my collar, trying to loosen it. "Eighteen and still can't take a tie? So like you." She says. I smile and she lets out a chuckle. When we finished, we went back to my house, greeted by my mother. "Oh! Good, she didn't eat you." She says dragging me inside. Macy quickly walks in and my mother moves away. "What? Of course not! Just because she's um...undead, doesn't mean she hits the stereotype on the head." I say pulling my arm away. She sighs, "I know. Your father watches to much Walking dead to not think all zombies are like that." Macy hugs her and she stiffens, and relaxes. Macy lets go and nods. "It's okay, just make sure he doesn't shoot me in the head okay?" She says. I laugh a little and Macy smiles. "I'll go get you some clothes." I say. Macy nods and I head upstairs. I garb a shirt and jeans and head down. "Thanks," She says as I hand them to her. "Go change. Dresses aren't your style." "Yes sir!" She says marching off, I laugh and mom genuinely laughs with me. This has been a strange, but good day. I get Macy back, and my mom laughs with me.

My undead friendWhere stories live. Discover now