Day 1

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Today was the day. My family and I were finally moving. All my mother would ever talk about was the new house and how excited she was about living there. I, on the other hand, was not too excited about this move. I loved where we lived. It was sad for me because I grew up in that house – so many memories were made there. It was hard to let go of the home I grew so attached to. After making one final tour of our old house, I reluctantly made my way to my dad's car, squeezing in the back seat.

My mother turned around to face me from the passenger seat. "You excited Zara?"

"I absolutely cannot wait mum," I sarcastically replied.

"Oh, come on. You'll get used to it." She said, squeezing my knee.

The drive to Westmount felt like forever. I couldn't stand being in the car for another minute. I barely had any space and couldn't even get comfortable at all because my mom had put the last few boxes that we had. They practically took up all the space. I just wanted to be at home in bed. Not at my new home, no – but my old home.

On the bright side, I'm thankful that the area that we're moving to isn't that far – I could still attend my college, see my friends and most importantly, my boyfriend Kai.

"Welcome home Zara," my father sighed, dropping a couple boxes onto the floor.

"Home," I scoffed. The minute I stepped foot into the house I scrunched my nose. The house was filled with a strong chemical odour from the recently varnished floors. Not only did the varnish leave the house smelling disgusting, but the floors were so shiny I could actually see my reflection in it which was pretty cool.

Once I reached my room, I opened up my window to help get rid of the foul smell. When I looked outside I was in awe as I realized that it would be view I'd be seeing. From my window, I got a picture perfect view of Montreal's skyline which was quite a nice sight to see. It was especially nice since it was autumn with all of the different colored trees.

Aside from the nice view, my room was much bigger than my old one. Sometimes, I felt quite claustrophobic in my old room because of its small space. At least with this big space, I could have it messy and not have to clean everything up right away so that I can breathe like in my old one.

Grabbing one of my bags, I started unpack my clothes and began hanging them up in my closet. The silence of my room was killing me so I decided to turn on the radio.

"Well, your left hand's free
And your right's in a grip
With another left hand
Watch his right hand slip
Towards his gun, oh, no"

Suddenly the music faded and was replaced with the sound of static.

Damn radio.

I hated the fact that the station I was playing wasn't a local one so the station would always fluctuate shifting between clear and static. What I find weird though, is that my radio usually goes ballistic static-ky if you stand in front of it. If you were far away, it'd work perfectly fine.

The hairs on my arm stood up at the thought of another presence in my room. It's impossible that someone else could be in my room, I thought. My worried thoughts soon went to the back of my mind when I saw my phone light up on my bureau. Kai was calling.

"Hey love," he chirped. "How's everything going?"

I sighed. "Pretty okay so far, I'm just putting away my clothes and stuff. What's up with you?"

When Kai began to answer, the call went choppy and I was only able to hear a few words on the other line.

"Hello? Kai?" you called out.

"Yes Zara?" he questioned. "Did your line have like any issues? I barely heard anything you said – everything went static," I blurted out.

"It was clear as ever for me."

I decided to end the call short not wanting to worry Kai with my paranoid self. I couldn't help but think about the creepy occurrences. It was just too weird.

It's nothing Zara – just technical issues that's all. Everything's okay. I attempted to reassure myself.


After hours of cleaning up, it was finally time to eat. Thank God. I couldn't stand hearing my stomach rumble for another minute.

I soon grew annoyed with the only noise that could be heard –chewing. Oh, and the scraping of plates so I decided to break the 'silence'.

"Strange things happened earlier when I was putting my stuff away. Like, my radio went all static and when I was talking to Kai the same thing happened, too."

My parents looked at me with blank expressions on their face. Why was it that I was the only freaked out by this? I thought.

"Zara, you're overreacting –"

"No! I am not. The radio only goes all static if I stand in front of it and when I had it on I was way far from it. No one else was in my room besides me!" I said all at once not pausing once for air. My mom's expressionless face turned into one that was somewhat concerned after I explained myself. It brought some sort of relief to me.

My dad snorted. "Well, maybe there was someone else in the room with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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