13.) The Question

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Maximus was shocked when his little mate deepened the kiss. Where was the shy little omega that was afraid to touch him? He definitely was not complaining, he chose to instead send a smile back at his beaming mate. 

Maximus hugged his mate beneath him and rolled to his back. His omega tensed and Maximus could see a battle raging within his mate's eyes. Maximus quickly rolled Levi underneath him. He rested his weight on his arms and pushed himself up into protective position over his mate.

His mate had closed his beautiful blue eyes and Maximus waited with bated breath to see what would be hidden within the crystal blue depths. He let out a whispered swear when he saw that hs mate's had lost the spark he had just come to love, replaced with the dull and hollow look that had first greeted him. 

He had lost his loving mate, now looking into the same broken, hollowed look that he was greeted with after his mate had taken it upon himself to carve out his own 'punishment'. The look was fleeting as his mate's eyes flew away from his gaze. Whatever that bastard had done had truly broken the omega.But beautiful mosaics are all made of broken pieces, this gave him hope. He could piece Levi together and help him take his place beside him

A soft whimper threw him back to his omega. the dullness had receded from his mate's face and in its place stood confusion. Maximus let out a sigh of relief and moved off his mate. He pulled himself into a sitting position on the bed and cradled his mate in his arms. A deep purr rumbled through his chest as Levi snuggled up against his body. He didn't want to ruin the moment but knew he needed to ask Levi about what had just happened. 

"Levi?" His mate's eyes jumped to meet his gaze. Maximus tried to choose his words carefully, "What happened, darling? Are you hurt? Was it something I did? Did I hurt you?"

"Oh, goddess! I hurt you didn't I? I shouldn't have moved you. I forgot about your chest. My god, what kind of mate forgets about that?! I'm so sor-" He was cut from his ramblings by his mate's soft giggle.

I looked down into his eyes arching an eyebrow at the noise. He just smiled at me with those twinkling eyes and I couldn't resist grinning back. "I'm fine, I just can't- I mean don't like being on top. Thomas always said that-" 

"Thomas? Who the hell is Thomas?" My gaze had narrowed, was he the monster that did this to my mate? I softened my look when I noticed the look in my mate's eyes. " Was he the one that- that-?" Levi just nodded and looked away. So that bastard was the one that had done all of this to my mate. 

 I wish I would have made that asshole suffer. His death was too easy.  Too soft. I should have made that bastard pay. 

"I'm sorry" My mate whispered. The anger flew from my mind. I pulled him closer to me and crushed him against my frame. He held my arm tightly.  A question entered my head, a question I didn't really want to know the answer to. 

"Love you've got nothing to be sorry for. As much as it pains me, I need to know. What happened to you Mate? What did that bastard do to you?"     

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