Meeting The Pack

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              "You worthless bitch!" Carlisle screamed at me "Carlisle what did I do?!" I said "YOU ARE A WHORE!" He screams "you made a mistake taking her in!" Esme said "Yeah I mean she's so ugly and fat!" Rose said "Rose?!" I said "You were never my sister I just felt sorry for you!" Edward said "Ed?!"  "I hate you dawn I wish you just died!" Jasper said they toss to the ground kicking stabbing me hurting me.
"Dawn! Wake up it was a night mare!" Jasper said "Jasper?!" I said he looked at me "Dawn are you okay?" He asked reaching for my hand "Go away leave me alone!" I snapped at him his eyes shown hurt "okay I'll go!" he said standing up and walks away. I walk er stumble down the stairs "Hungry?" Esme asked "no thanks" I said "I'm going for a walk" I said and left.

       I jumped across a stream, sighing. I am not a vampire, but i live with them. My mom was killed by my dad, and he abused me, in school i was badly bullied. Listen i am not happy or optimistic like other people, no i am a sad story. 

        I soon found myself on a beach, there was a group of kids or teens, boys of course. They all had no shirts on, short hair, and the same tattoo.

      I clutch my head and i was hit it a Frisbee "i am so sorry!" one of the boys said. "It's fine" I said "No it's not your bleeding" and of course after he said that, i felt something warm trail down the side of my head. "Why don't we take her to Emily's house and she can patch her up?" One of them said "no way am i going any where with a group of stranger that are boys!" I said "It's okay we don't hurt people" the smallest boy said "How do i know that? For i all know you guys could be rapist!" I said turning around and started to walk . "Hey!" The smallest one said "I'm Seth, Seth Clearwater" He said "Don't care all i want to do is go home so bye" I said still walking, but yet he still follows me. "why are you following me?!" I said "i want to make sure you get home safe" He said "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shout. "fine" he said leaving. 

"What a pretty face you have!"  a voice said, my head whipped to the side "who are you?" I asked "Who am I? Who am I? No, the question should be who are you deary!" He said "Leave me alone!" I shout "What never seen Once a upon a time?" He said "No, now who are you or do I need for call Seth back?!" I demanded "Who?" He asked "Seth,that guy over there..." my voice trailed off, he did leave me here "Well he was here" I mumbled "Nice to meet you,My name is Adam, Adam Westman!" He said "Pleasure Adam!, the name's dawn, now not to be mean or anything but I really got to get going" I said "Oh yeah,can I have your phone number?" He asked "Sorry, but don't trust strangers, Or Adams!" I joked "Oh!" he said looking down I slipped the number in his hand "text ya later!" and with that I walked off.

    "Was your walk good?" Esme asked "Yeah!" I said "Why do I smell dog?" Rose asked "It's coming from(she sniffs me) Ew!its you!" She said "yeah thanks for calling me a dog Rose, gonna get in the shower bye!". But yet my mind kept wandering to Seth.

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