The Beginning Of It All

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It was the first day back after Winter Break, so everybody at school was pissy, but me, I was happy, it was a new semester so now I wasn't failing anymore, now I had all A's. On the downside we had school again and the fact that now that it was a new semester we would have a bunch of new kids here, either ones from the other much larger high school or kids who just moved here, and that was a fucking bummer. 

I had my coffee in hand as I made my way down to the class that I'd reside in for the rest of the day, and yes, we were that small of a school that there were only about 30 kids in every grade so every grade had one class to share each day, we also had tables instead of separate desks so that also sucked. 

I walked into the classroom and sighed, I had about fifteen minutes before class started and there was only my teacher and some fucking girl I didn't quite recognize, but maybe that was because I didn't see her face and I hadn't really payed attention to anybody around here. I mainly kept to myself other than Pete, but he's been my friend for years so we just got really close over time. 

I sat down at the table that was meant for four but always only hat two seated, those two being Pete and myself, and waited for class to start. I sipped my coffee and evesdropped on their conversation, it turned out that she in fact was a new person. I groaned barely audibly, but she heard and looked down. Aw fuck now I made her sad. Good going Frank, you rock. 

I decided to take a look at my new classmate, she seemed a little bit too short to be a Sophomore, and that was coming from somebody who was still only 5'2, so she had to be like, what, 4'11? I hadn't noticed earlier but her hair was dyed a very light pastel pink, it was long and not quite straight but also not curly, she stood there clad in ripped skinny jeans, black high top converse, and a nice fitting black hoodie. She had semi long nails painted a barely visible mint color. 

She seemed shy by the way that she stood and how she talked so that I could barely make out most of what she said if I heard it at all. She turned slightly so that I could see her face, she was very pale, her eyebrows were done in a suiting fashion and she had small black winged eyeliner. Her face looked very soft, she just seemed like a soft person, not one for talking or one for interaction, maybe I was reading way too far into this.

The bell rang and stole my attention away to realize that people were entering the classroom and being rather loud in doing so. Pete greeted me and sat down, I returned his 'hello' and moved on, looking back at the new girl who was still in front of the room. Once everybody was inside and roll had been taken care of our teacher stood and introduced her as 'a new student' but didn't give us a name, he asked her to introduce herself and she looked very nervous, she shook her head slightly and he still made her do it. 

She finally gave up and turned to face the class, 'Um, hi. I'm Emilia I guess and...well, that's about it about me, I'm just me." she said in a very small shy voice. She scanned the room for an empty seat and found that the only one was next to me. She slowly made her way over to me and said 'Do you mind if I sit with you?' before I even thought about it I nodded and she sat. 

Emilia didn't seem very interested in what our teacher Mr.Hopkins was saying so I decided to speak to her. 

"Are you actually a Sophomore?"

"...No, I'm a Freshman but I take Sophomore classes." she looked down nervously. I knew it. She started drawing on her assignment almost immediately.

"He hates it when you do that, the drawing thing. Might not wanna do that."

"Okay...thank you." she continued to draw, finally taking a break to actually do the work on the paper. She had erased whatever she was drawing and was sitting there with her work done staring at the turn in box. I wondered what she was doing until I saw that a few moments after the first person had turned in their work she had stood up to do the same. Was she waiting for somebody else to do it so that she knew that it was okay? That's a little odd. 

She looked a little embarrassed and flustered as she walked back to the table. She put in one of her earbuds and zoned out for the rest of the class, and after a while, so did I. 


So that was much shorter than I normally write but I just didn't really know how to start, so know that the story will get longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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