Chapter 1

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*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, I do, however, own the plot.

Warning: No real warnings, just some violence and language, because, Hidan.*

It was dark, the stars glittering brightly in the night sky, the moon casting it's glow on the sea, reflecting it's shine onto the land surrounding. On a lone dock far out into the sea, a young blond was playing with a ball. The blond, Deidara, was absently throwing his ball into the air before catching it, most of his attention being on the beautiful sea before him.

The eight year old knew that he was not allowed to be out so late, never mind so far out into the sea without anyone to watch over him. He would get into a lot of trouble if his parents found out. His home was not too far away, right on the beach, to be exact. Deidara's bedroom faced the ocean so that he could stare at it as much as he liked. The blond had an unnatural obsession with the dark and dangerous waters.

He giggled as the wind blew, ruffling at his long hair as a few drops of the cold water sprayed onto his face, carried by the wind. He found great comfort being so near the water and open sea. Absently, he threw his ball once more, but it bounced off of his head, landing on the dock and rolling to the edge.

"Ouch," he muttered, blue eyes briefly clenched shut before opening once more, watching as his ball fell off of the edge of the dock and into the water.
"Oh no!" He scrambled to the edge, falling to his hands and knees, watching as the ball floated just out of reach.
Deidara wasn't stupid, he knew not to try and reach for it, his parents had drilled the do's and don'ts into his head before they actually moved here.

Despite how beautiful the sea was, it was also very dangerous.
"Oh, no! Mama's going to be so mad! Now she'll know I was out here by myself, un!" The blond whined, tears gathering in his blue eyes as he realised what his punishment would be.

They won't allow him to come here for an entire month! Plus, they would nail his window shut so that he couldn't climb out anymore! No!! The blond started crying softly, sniffling as he sat back on his legs, trying to rub away his tears while still crying. His crying slowed when his ball seemed to float in the air, he didn't even need to reach too far to grab it.

Cautiously, the blond reached forward, gently taking the ball. It was silent, the only sound being that of the waves crashing and breaking onto the beach. Deidara placed his ball carefully at his side, making sure it won't roll away again.

Slowly, he leaned forward onto his hands, peering over the edge of the dock. The only thing he could see was endless darkness, nothing beyond the large body of water that he could see. The blond focused, noticing something briefly shining in the water. Deidara leaned forward some more.
"You're going to fall into the water if you lean any further," a calm voice startled the blond.

With a yelp, Deidara fell backwards, bumping his ball, but not noticing as it went over to the edge once more.
"Calm down, brat, no need to be so scared," that same voice spoke, only it was closer.
Deidara watched with frightened wide eyes as a man appeared at the edge of the dock, not too far from here.

The man rested his arms on the dock, resting his chin on his arms, blood red hair sticking to his face and head, though it was starting to stand in different direction the drier it got. The man had brown red eyes, though they seemed annoyed, Deidara could make out a hint of kindness there as well.

The man had to be kind if he warned him not to lean too far, though he could have just said that so as not to have the thought of a dead child haunting him.
"W-who are you, un?" Deidara asked as he slowly sat back up, staring curiously at the man.

"Never mind that, now, why are you out so late, little girl?" The man asked.
Deidara's face grew a deep shade of red in anger and embarrassment.
"I'm not a girl, un!!" He yelled, surprising the man slightly.
"Oh? Then why the long hair? Many people must mistake you for a girl," the man stated, amusement dancing in his eyes. Deidara seemed to deflate at this.

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