Reece Added You

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Mina's POV:

It was the first day of school after the summer, I was excited and nervous because you know everybody feels like that after the summer. I didn't really have many friends outside from my set and I only socialized inside it because I knew them all the best. Even then there were still some people I never really talked to that much.

I went to the library to meet up with my best friends from last year: Lauren and Samantha.

Me and Lauren talked on whatsapp a lot throughout the summer but Samantha had a very outdoor-loving family so she was on holiday for the most of it. She went hiking in Cornwall and went to visit her grandma in Cumbria. Lauren and I were more of nerdy indoor people. I read a lot and she wrote a lot of book on this app/website we found together called Wattpad.Wattpad was my next addiction after Twilight. I re-read each book 7 times and dug out Edward POV ones too. Yeah, Ik i was really obsessed.

Anyway, I found Samantha reading her midwife book.

That girl and her sex addiction.

No, not like that. She is only 16 for gods sake, yes I realise most people loose their virginity even when they are fourteen but this girl is seriously religious and isn't allowed a boyfriend till she is 21 . She just knows a lot about the most random things especially, politics and sex ed She is a professional at that; if she can't be a primary school teacher then she wants to be a midwife when she grows up.

Her pretty, short blonde hair were stick straight with a bob at the end and her tall figure exposed half of her back as she was leant back on her chair. I walk up to her and lean down to her ear.

"Will you ever stop?"

Her electric blue eyes looked up, suprised and grinned looking down at the open book in her hands.

"Nope!" She replied cheerily and stood up to hug me then sat down again. I picked up a random book and sat on the short green cushioned seats next to her with a table inbetween, seperating them.

We chatted more about her summer; I asked her how her trip was because she obviously didn't have internet while hiking and her grandma didn't have any either so she never got to tell me about it.

"Where we went to the bathroom was very gross and uncomfortable though." She complained.

"Why?" Then I realised my mistake of asking her that.

"We found or dug a hole in the ground and did it there. Or we just looked for a bush." She saw my disgusted-confused face and understood my next question. "Yes, me and my family have seen each others parts. FYI, my dad has a really tiny-"

I stopped her from continuing that sentence with my hand flying towards her mouth and gave her a disgusted look.

Thats when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lauren enter the library and go towards the cubby holes to put away her bag. She smiled at us as she came. Her new braces looked strange on her but nothing could over power the beauty of her lightly-wavy black hair. Her brown eyes always looked small because of her glasses that were smaller and more square shaped unlike mine which were round, more geeky.

We didn't have much time to talk after that because the bell rang, signalling us to go to our forms.
Miss Redmond, my form tutor let us all in to the form when she arrived in her usual pink coat. She was a really nice lady, she was young, kind and she always made tutor time a lot of fun. Lauren apparently envied me because her tutor wasn't the nicest teacher, she was quite boring.

                ~A month later~

Maybelle came up to me, she was the really popular girl who was friends with everybody and knew everybody. She was one set lower than me last year and then she moved up this year.

We had been talking for quite a while now and she was in my friends, Maya and Jasmines' form too. They were good friends and since me and Samantha hang out with them at break, we eventually became friends too.

"Hey Mina!"

"Oh hey May! Whats up?"

"Im just really tired today because I was up really late last night talking on this group that Reece made a while ago."

"Reece from our set?" I asked curiously. "The one who annoyed the hell out of me when he wouldn't stop singing cheese in Art when our table was practically begging him to stop?"

"Yup, thats the cheese loving goofball I'm talking about." I noticed a glint in her eye when she mentioned him and her face sort of lit up."He made this group and it is literally filled with wierdos, It has Eric, Reece, me and

"You mean Toby Ranston? The really quiet guy from our set? I wouldn't have guessed he had whatsapp."

"Well, I want to ask you a favour. Will you mind if I gave your number to Reece so he can add you to the group? I really don't like being the only girl."

"Sure, why not?" I said finding nothing wrong with it.


I came back home and saw I had 123 messages and my eyes widened.

Who the hell is trying to spam me?

I saw a new group that was called: "Wierdos For Life," and all 123 messages were from that chat, I clicked on it and the first message on there in blue was:

Reece Added You

Well this should be interesting.


Hi! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter- I know its very long and detailed but I wanted to improve my describing skills in english and I got inspired to write this story too so I thought: Why not combine the two?


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