Chapter one

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~Sofie Pov~
I started to hear screams as I tried to sleep. I woke up to the sound of my mother. I went to my closet and looked at the knives, daggers, swords, guns, and chains. I grabbed a gun and a dagger. I put the dagger in my pocket. I saw my dogs sleeping in the corner. I woke them up. They were attack dogs. So they could help me as well. Killer and Max.

(This is killer and max)

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(This is killer and max)

We started to walk down the halls. Max started to get a sent so I followed him. As we got around the corner I saw blood al over the walls and the floor. I heard two men walking down the hall. I headed around the corner where I could see. I got the perfect angle to where I shot them both. "GUARD DOWN!! GUARD DOWN!!" Yelled another one coming down the hall. So I started to run. I ran to my parents room. They had to be there. I slowly started to walk in. Killer waited outside as a watch out. And Max went in with me. There blood everywhere. Their whole bed was ripped apart. I went into the bathroom. My mom was sitting on the floor with blood on her hands. And an open wound. I ran to her. "Mom, are you okay.!!!!" She could barely speak. "S-Sofie you have to get out of here I won't be much longer." No mom don't say that!!!" "It's true go save yourself while you can." I just sat there not believing what I just saw. Tears started to roll down my face. She grabbed my hand. "Take this." It was a necklace that was passed down for centuries. And now to me. She closed her eyes. That's when it was over. I walked out of the room. I ran down each hall fully damaged. I then sat down in one hall. I started to feel footsteps. My dogs barked like crazy. They started to run the opposite direction. I tried to chase after them. I then turned around.I felt something so powerful so strong hit the front of me. Then I lost my vision and myself.....

I woke up in my bed the next morning. My maid Bailey came in. With a cloth and bowl. She started to put it on my stomach. On my wound. It burned but I was strong. "I'm surprised your taking this so well, you got hit pretty hard." Said Bailey. "Yeah." After she was done I walked into my fathers room. "Hey." I said. "What the hell are you doing in here!!! GET TH ME HELL OUT!!!" Then I saw a blonde woman coming out of the bathroom. "WHAT THE HECK MOM FREKIN DIED YESTERDAY. YOUR SO FUCKING RECKLESS!!" I yelled running out. I started crying on my way out. I got back to my room and saw Bailey. "I'm so sorry dear." She said. I ran into her arms still crying. A few hours later my father walked in."I don't want to talk to you." "Please just listen." I just stayed quiet. "Your mother wasn't a great person, you didn't know her like I knew her." "BUT SHE WAS STILL MY MOM!" "And should've at least had respect for me." "Do you love me at all." He started to walk up to me. I just stared out the window. I turned around and he punched me. I fell to the ground as he kicked and hit me. From that day on he always abused me.

~8 years later~
I watched out my window barely able to move. I was so bruised and hurt. I couldn't even walk. I had scars everywhere.(the girl on top is sofie abused) I lay in bed just waiting for something. Suddenly the thought of death wasn't that bad.

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