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  "Natsuko, hurry up!" exclaimed okasan from downstairs. I quickly zipped my mint blue suitcase and looked at my outfit in the stand mirror one last time before I leave my bedroom. I'm wearing my favourite high waisted skirt and oversized grey sweater which belongs to my brother. "Natsuko!" Okasan called out again. That's probably the fourth time she called my name today

  "Hai~" I replied as I pulled my suitcase downstairs. "Ohayo, papa," I greeted my dad who is reading the newspaper like always as I sat down at the dining table to eat my breakfast. "Okasan, you made too much food today," I commented.

  On the table, she prepared gohan (steamed rice), miso shiru (miso soup), tamagoyaki (omelette), yakizakana (grilled fish), tsukemono (pickled vegetable), fruits and my favourite, nori (seasoned dried seaweed).

"Don't complain and just eat," she told me as she shapes some onigiri (rice balls). "Itadikimasu," I began to eat my breakfast quietly just in case she stuffs the food into my mouth. "Okasan is right. Besides, you're going to miss homemade japanese food when you're at korea." Papa added as he puts the newspaper away and continued to eat. After breakfast, we finally left the house and drove to the airport to send me.

I am actually going to stay in korea for a few months as a student exchange. Why Korea when I could have chosen a European country? It is because I have always wanted to experience the life of a Korean high school student instead of just watching it in korean dramas. My older brother is also working there so I won't be that lonely.

"Make sure to not cause trouble and always be careful because you're such a clumsy girl. Remember to have fun too and don't forget to give the gifts to your step parents," okasan adviced me while fixing my coat. "Here is your bento. I also put some onigiri inside." I put the bento box into my backpack.

Papa turned to me after he finished wiping his tears and spoke "Stay away from any boys and...give our greetings to your brother, Yuta too when you meet him,"  I smiled and gave both of them a big hug. "I will miss both of you!" I told them as I went to join the other students. Suddenly, papa called out to me, "Natsuko, you left you suitcase!" I turned around to get my suitcase in embarrassment as I'm pretty sure everyone around us heard that. "I'll message when I arrive!" I exclaimed as I waved to the both of them.

I finally found my plane seat which is next to the window and sat down. A few seconds later, a girl and a boy sat in the two empty seats next to me. My eyes went wide when I realised that the both of them are identical twins.  Before I could even comment, the twins greeted in sync "Ohayōgozaimasu!"

"Watashi no namae wa Yoshida Yuki desu and this is my brother, Yoshida Aki."

"Oh, ohayo! Watashi no namae wa Yamamoto Natsuko,"

"Yoroshiku. Please take care of us, Yamamoto-san!"

I am glad that they are the ones sat next to me. The trip in the airplane was much more fun and we even shared snacks since we got along so well. It turned out that they are going to go to the same school as I am. The famous School Of Peforming Arts. They rarely accept exchange students but this year, I was lucky enough.

"This is your captain speaking. We are going to land in a few minutes so please fasten your seatbelts until the sign is turned off," announced the captain in English, Japanese and Korean. I was so excited that my heart was beating fast. I was already imagining meeting Yuta, new friends, the school, and my life at the homestay. The twins are jumping up and down in their seats that the stewardess had to stop them.

After we got off, our host family were already waiting for us. I searched and saw a familiar looking couple in their late forties holding a white banner with my name written in kanji. I greeted them and they welcomed me with warmth. "You can just call us omma and appa," said Mrs Oh with a warm smile.

As soon as I got to my new home, I messaged okasan that I arrived safely.  Mr and Mrs Oh live with a husky dog named Mong and doesn't have any children. Mr Oh works as a business man while Mrs Oh is a housewife but sometimes work part time at the community centre.

"Natsuko, it's already getting late and you have school tomorrow, remember?" reminded Omma. "Neh," I replied as I took out my school uniform from the wardrobe that they gave and hanged it behind the door. It's yellow with a bit of black and much prettier than my school uniform in Japan. "Jal ja-yo," Omma wished me goodnight as she closes the door.

That night, I didn't want to go to sleep because I don't want to miss any moment but after a few minutes, K.O. I finally lost to my eyelids.

The next morning I woke up at 4.00 am. I know it's too early but I got too excited again. The moment I put on the school uniform, I felt like I don't want to ever take it off and just sleep in it. I am already loving the life here. I tied my hair in a ponytail with my lucky white ribbon given by papa.

"Ahnnyonghaseyo!" I greeted cheerfully to my host. I sat down and ate my first Korean breakfast which is rice, fried egg, luncheon meat, kimchi and my favourite, seaweed.

"Mashisseumnida!" I complimented. After breakfast, appa dropped me off at school while he was on his way to work as he was late. "Natsuko, go to the office and just tell them that you're an exchanged student from Japan," he told me after I got off.

"Neh. Gomabseubnida, appa!" I waved to him as he drove away. The students are entering the school while I just stood in front of the entrance like a lost deer.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Is she new?"

I heard from some of the students. I got my courage together and a deep breath. Slowly, I took a big step into the school. It was amazing! It felt like I entered another world. Okay, maybe I'm being too dramatic. The school looked amazing and it was decorated with some murals.


Everyone rushed to their classrooms and I was left alone in the corridors. I gave up after wondering around the school more than 20 minutes. "Appa should have just given me a map," I thought as I leaned against the rail of the stairs.

"Natsuko?" I turned around to see who called my name. Standing, was a tall boy with brown hair and really fair skin almost like a ghost. His body is masculine too and he looked like around my age.

"How do you know my name?"

"Umm, lucky guess?"

"Then let me guess, your name is Chanyeol?"

"No... but yah, I am older than you!"

"Jeongmal? Mianhe sunbae-nim,"

"I'll forgive you since you're new. Hey, you're lost aren't you?"


He raised one of his eyebrows at me with an are-you-serious look.

"Yeah, I am kind of lost.."

"Come on, I'll lead you the way to the office,"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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