Becca x Conner One-Shot

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HEY EVERYBODY! This is something new to me, I haven't really written any fanfictions before, but I have read MANY of them, so I have an idea of what to do and how to do it. This was a joke at first, but then I actually thought it would be somewhat of a good idea to make a real fanfiction of this, so, here it is! Anyways! I hope you enjoy my first ever fanfiction!


Becca groaned as she rolled over on her bed to turn off her alarm clock. It was a monday. Becca sat up and jumped out of bed, not too excited, until she remembered conner.

CONNER! That was right! Her long-time crush, he was gonna be there. A smile instantly took over the corners of her lips, and her eyes lit up with excitement.

she happily skipped to her closet and put on her school uniform (a dark green plaid skirt, a navy polo shirt, and a pair of sperrys shoes)

Just as she finished putting her shoes on, she heard her Mom yell from downstairs that her breakfast was ready

"Coming, Mom!!" She yelled from upstairs.

she walked out of her bedroom door and down the stairs to the dining room, taking a seat as her Mom placed down a bowl of cereal. Becca didn't notice this immediately, as her mind was filled with images of Conner.

UGH, he was so beautiful! His amazing brunette locks of hair. His gorgeous orbs of vibrant green wedged violently into his eyesockets. and his plump lips moving everytime the words of angels fell from his mouth, And-

"Becca, are you okay, Honey?" Asked her Mom, quite concerned, as Becca was just staring at her bowl of cereal.

"Huh?! Oh... Sorry" Becca said, snapping out of her wild daydream "I'm just tired... thas' all!" Becca said, none of it being true.

After breakfast, she walked out of the house after saying her goodbyes to her Mom.

She walked onto the school grounds, before almost instantly spotting two of her friends.

"Sam! Gem!" Becca grinned at them both as she ran over to them.

"Oh, Hey!" Sam grinned back at her

"You're here! We've been waiting for you to finally show up!" Gem smiled teasingly. Gem was the... Weirder friend of the group.

After chatting with her two friends for a good 5 minutes or so, she decided to leave to go find Conner.

"Later, Guys!" Becca said to her two friends, before waving at them, and running off into the school

"Bye!" Gem said, Sam saying the same about a second later, before continuing to chat to eachother after afew seconds of silence

I walked thru the school, searching for Conner, after looking for a good three minutes, I found him outside on a bench, chatting to three of his friends

'He's seriously been outside this whole time?!' Becca thought to herself, before sighing, and smiling to herself soon afterwards 'Well, atleast he's here...' She thought again, before slowy walking over, scared that she might be interrupting a serious conversation, or something like that...

Conner turned his head, to see Becca attempting to approach them, "Oh, Hey Becca!" Conner grinned at her.

She felt heat rush to her cheeks "H-Hey Conner!" Becca said, looking at the ground, attempting to hide her flushed cheeks.

Conner turned back to his group of friends, smiled at them, and then excused himself. He sat up from the bench, and walked away from his group of friends, walked away from them, and towards her instead.

She felt her heart skip a beat, skipped a beat every step he took, every move he made towards her. Ahhh~ He was so perfect...

Once again, she was too caught up in her daydreams, and didn't notice the concerned look that she was being given by Conner. 'CRAP, WAS I DAYDREAMING AGAIN!? FOR HOW LONG?!' Becca panicked to herself.

"Becca? You're staring at me... What's wrong?" Conner stated, and asked. Luckily she didn't notice his cheeks tainting red.

"Nothing, Sorry! Just tired!" Becca excused herself, using the same lie she told her Mom - Which wasn't ENTIRELY a lie.

"Oh, well, Okay..." Conner said, seeming a tiny bit uncomfortable - Not with Becca, but with the fact that the color of red wouldn't leave his cheeks alone.

"Hah... Uhm- Anyways, What have you been up to this week??" Conner said, breaking the awkward silence between them.

"Oh! Uhm.. I went into the woods with my friends, and explored abit!" Becca said, smiling, since Conner was smiling

"Sweet! Did you guys find anything while exploring?" Conner beamed down at her.

"We found an abandoned shack, actually." Becca replied.

They continued their conversation, walking as they talked. They didn't really know where they were going, they were just walking around the front of the school. But they didn't care. They were together, and that's all that mattered.

Eventually the school bell rang, and they were forced to leave eachother to go to their seperate classes.

All of school was boring, they didn't have tennis that day, either. (Mainly because, I don't know anything about Tennis xD Sorry guys! :P)

After school ended, Becca and Conner walked out of the school gates together

"Hey, can I.... walk you... home?" Conner asked, nervously.

Becca instantly blushed "U-Uhm... Sure..."

After afew minutes of walking, in awkward silence. Becca noticed the sunset "It's the sunset" Becca murmured.

"It is??" Conner just now noticed this, as he was too busy focusing on Becca. 'Perfect!' Conner thought, a plan forming in his mind

"Becca, follow me!" Conner said, not as a question. He didn't give her much of a choice, when he grabbed her hand and ran off. They were almost at her house anyways, but Becca didn't care at this point.

Becca was blushing madly by now. Conner continued to run up the small hill that was close by Becca's house. He stopped running and paused once at the top of the hill.

"W-Where are we?" Becca asked, slightly confused, as she'd never seen this hill before.

"Just, enjoy the view." Conner smiled, as he let go of Becca's hand and sat down on the soft grass.

Becca whimpered slightly at the loss of his warm hand, the hand that made her feel so safe when it was holding onto her own. "Okay..." She finally responded, as she slowly sat down on the grass next to him, cheeks still red.

sitting there in silence for awhile, watching the sun set, it wasn't boring though. Becca found this really comforting, but she feared that her Mom might worry about where she is.

"Hey, Becca." Conner spoke up, breaking the silence, causing Becca to turn her head to look at him "Yea-"

Her sentence was cut off as she felt a pair of lips on her own, in a simple Chaste kiss. It didn't last long, only afew seconds, before Conner pulled away.

"I... like you" Conner mumbled. Both of their faces were clearly a bright red, Becca's more so then Conner's.

Becca was speachless, her crush, liked her back!? Becca took awhile to respond, but finally responded with "I like you too..."

Conner smiled, and she did the same soon after. She scooted closer to him, and leaned her head on his shoulder

At this point Becca didn't care what her parents thought, she was too busy being inlove with Conner.

She slowly closed her eyes, and slipped into the realm of sleep, a smile still on her lips.

'I really, really like you' Both of them thought similiar things.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA. HA." Gem was standing there proudly, fat suit on.

She had just beaten Sam and Becca at a sumo match. They were laying there unconscious, as Gem flopped around them, speaking the language of the goats.

"LEEEDLELELELELEELOOOLLEEEEEDLEEE" Her tounge flopped around in her mouth viciously as she continued her ritual, and sacrifice.

"Good job, my peasant" An unknown voice came echoing from the shadows.

"PEASANT! There you are!" Gem cried, as she turned around to look at the person.

"Yes, Yes it is I. did you complete the sacrifice?" The voice said.

"No, Peasant. I did not!" As Gem said this, the voice came out from the shadows.

It was a girl, around the same age as Gem. She had brown hair, and blue eyes, same as Gem.


"ORMAGUR YASS" Gem screamed back.

They went back to the two, Becca and Sam, to complete the sacrifice.

"You... what.. BRO?" Sam managed to mutter out, before a double chin appeared on her.


I DID IT! I'm so proud of myself, currently xD. Well, I hope you enjoyed! Byeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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