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"oh my god, quit being afraid! just put it in her locker and leave."

minghao walked nervously up to the long row of lockers in front of him and let his eyes scan the numbers before a certain digit caught his eye. the small piece of heart-shaped paper he held in his hand must have been dampened from how much the boy was sweating. he took a shaky breath before stepping up to one of the lockers.

"minghao! she's coming!" minghao's friend, jeonghan, nodded his head to the left where a large crowd was pouring into the hall. a brunette girl seemed to be at the head of the crowd, her confident stride intimidating minghao.

the boy quickly shoved the paper in the locker and ran away down the hall to his own locker with jeonghan. he heaved a sigh and clutched his chest. his heart pounded in his chest as he unlocked his own locker.

"i don't know why you were so nervous, you literally were just putting a piece of paper in someone's locker." jeonghan stated as he looked over at the nervous boy.

minghao shook his head. "you wouldn't understand. for you, it would be like putting a paper in seungcheol's locker."

"oh my god, shut up." jeonghan whined as his face turned red at the mention of his crush.

meanwhile, as the two boys headed off to the cafeteria for lunch, another boy with the name of junhui walked down the hall alone. he reached his locker and made a move to put his books away but stopped when a small piece of paper fluttered down to the ground in front of his feet. he picked up the heart shaped paper, confused as to why someone would put this in his locker. he flipped it over and saw that there was writing on the back. after scanning over the words, his face heated up.

yoooo this will sound creepy since you probably don't know me but you should call me because you're cute

letter // junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now